Good day wonderful steemians, so far so good I must confess that so far so good, my stay in this community has been awesome, I keep meeting great wonderful people everyday, and one of such people is @gloglo.
While I was surfing through the streets of this great community, I saw this post by @gloglo that talked about mistakes being humane and that inspired me a lot and actually got me thinking.
Here is the link to the post
After going through that post it gave me a new insight about the beauty of failure.
Sometimes, we try our hands at new things, and fail. Some persons start off well and then fail along the way, while some others fail from the take off, whatever the case most of us do not take failure well.
The society is only looking forward to hear and celebrate success stories and this tends to make the man that has failed in a particular endeavour to see himself as inferior. Once you embark on an endeavour and do not achieve success, the society stigmatizes you and brands you a failure.
On the contrary, when you do not succeed in an enterprise, you have not failed, rather you have found one wrong approach of exexuting that very enterprise. And all you need to do is to look inward, see your mistakes and try again.
So many success stories today are full of so many failed attempts.
Abraham Lincoln lost eight elections, failed twice in business, suffered a nervous breakdown, yet he never gave up, and at the end of the day it paid off and he till today is seen as one of the most successful presidents America ever had.
Thomas Edison, failed about six thousand times before he could creat the electric bulb. Yet today years later he is celebrated as an inventor, if he quit after the first time no one would have heard about him.
Even General Muhamadu Buhari, the Nigerian president, contested and lost three Presidential elections before he became president.
Always remember that the gold you are pursuing can be found in the ruins and rubbles of failure.
Sit back, look inward, discover your mistakes and try again.
- Try again and avoid the mistakes that led to your first failure, and if you fail again,
- Try again with determination to do better, and if you fail again,
- Try again because you want to prove those that don't believe in you wrong, and if you fail again,
- Try again because you and you alone saw the vision you are pursuing and you alone can get it right.
Never allow your mistakes define you, rather search in the ruins of your failure pick up the gold buried in there and build something better.
Always find a reason to try again until you get it right.