The King And His Two Sons - A Story That Touched

Hello wonderful steemians, this is the motivational message i have for us today. I hope we learn from it and pass it across.
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Once upon a time, there lived a king in the town of Banzutu. This king has just only two Sons, of which one suppose to be the heir after the king's departure.

King Zedu has his two sons as Benni the first and Zikk the second born.

One day, before the king's demise, he called on them both to the palace to have a fatherly talk with them.

At the end of their discussions, one was sad (Zikk)and the other was so happy (Benni). This occurred because the king told Benni that he will become great in life, rich, prosper and also will be the heir to the throne and inherit palace properties.

But to the other hand which was Zikk, it was the reverse words the king gave him. The king also told Zikk that he will be a messenger always in the palace.

We might be so anxious why this king would do this to his second born? Now, this is the point, King Zedu want to set a life race to them both after his demise.

Now, what happened next?

At first, Zikk was so sad because of his father's words to him. He kept on thinking about this everyday but one day, he summoned courage to turn things around by his actions. What did he do? Will come here later...

Concerning the so called heir (Benni) by the king, he was so happy every blessed day because of his father's sweet words to him. In himself, he always taught he already had every thing in life including men and slaves that will bow for him after his father's demise.

Zikk, started his action on getting his hands busy. He engaged himself in subsistence farming, and other business that could fetch him money. He tried all his possible best to revoke the bitter words of his father.

By so doing, he started gaining traction. Little by little, he was getting recognised by his farming biz in his father's town and other neighboring communities because he had some farm land their too.

As for Benni, hoping he will prosper and become rich in life because his father said so, he just sat down staying idle. All he does daily was to eat and sleep. Due to this, he gained more weight anybody could imagine.

He never taught of making any step to allow his father's words for him to be accomplished. All he thought was, the wealth, properties and being a king will automatically come without making any move.

Fellow steemians, could this be possible? Let's see the END of them both.

As for Zikk, he kept on doing his good job on farming biz and other businesses he engaged in. He was very known in his farming business than every other businesses he engaged in because the output from his farms is always on competition in buying.

Moreover, because his farm produce had gained lots of customers, he no longer operate on subsistence farming but commercial.

Two years later, it came to past, King Zedu passed away. All burial rites was performed. A whole week, no movement in the town and no body yet on the throne.

At this time, Zikk had become richer from his farming business. Though, he had already forego being a heir to the throne. All he taught was, that will definitely be for his brother.

Zikk is now living fine. He made sure he revoke his father's bitter words. Zikk has built lots of houses and has properties in his home town and beyond.

Both old and young in the town and beyond, likes Zikk because of his generosity and kindness to all, mostly to the poor.

Zikk was admired by his achievement and doings in the community not only the public inhabitants of Banzutu town, but also the chiefs in the palace also recognize this.

Thereafter, after two weeks of the king's demise, Benni was warming up to be replaced on his father throne.

An announcement was made to the general public on a date to have a new king.

Lo and behold, on hearing this by inhabitants, they started chanting on the name "Zikk Zikk Zikk Zikk Zikk ....."

Some of the inhabitants and Chiefs were shocked because they expected Benni to be mentioned and not Zikk the junior.

Some Chiefs weren't surprised because they already knew who their next king would be. How?

Before the King demise, he had already called to himself five of his closest Chiefs. He told them what he already told his two Sons.

He stated to them, "whosoever you Chiefs perceives is working harder despite my good/bad words to my two Sons, should be put to the throne"

And it came to past, the day of announcement came. Benni was over joyous, smiling and overwhelmed with happiness. Fully dressed in royal clothings. But to his disappointment, Zikk was mentioned by the Chiefs to be the next king of Banzutu town.

The Chiefs told the entire community the reason for this effect, majority was happy, minority was murmuring

Benni hearing this, he scattered the whole events, ran back to the palace to plot evil on his brother.

But, was Benni successful executing the plan? What happened to him next? I will publish the concluding part on the morrow (12:00 GMT +1).

You can follow me @misterufem to receive notification on the next part of this publication.

Thank you for your time!

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