The Siren - dark fiction - day 2 MAC

I love creepy tales. There is something about them that pumps the adrenaline and sends cold shivers down one's spine.

For the month of September my goal is to find a creepy picture to inspire a story every day. Maybe you can post a creepy photo in the comments section and I'll write a short tale to go with it?

Ultimately, I'd like to create an anthology of spooky tales and publish them on Smashwords or Amazon before Halloween.

I am also open to collaborating with a few authors!
hashtag: GOALS


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The Siren

by Meredith Loughran

For ten years, Miranda and her college friends descended upon Lake Minnewaska for their annual Labor Day weekend camping trip. It was the one time of the year when, no matter where they were in life or the world, they dropped everything for three days of roughing it in the woods with friends.

Per tradition of her own, Miranda swam for distance in the quiet, calm lake as some of her friends splashed closer to shore, while the others set up camp. She loved feeling her muscles stretch as her body sliced through the frigid waters. She didn't care how cold it was. She just knew the lake washed away whatever ailed her.

Stopping to tread water and catch her breath, Miranda looked toward the shore and was surprised how far out she'd swum. It didn't bother her. She was a strong swimmer.

Floating on her back, she stared up at the brilliant blue sky. All sound except for the beating of her heart was muted.
Peace and quiet.
It was the thing she craved all year long; feeling weightless
With a contented sigh she whispered, "I could stay here forever."

The next moment, she was sucked under water by some unforeseen force. Paralyzed, she stared helplessly as the surface of the water got further away. Her scream left a trail of precious air bubbles back to her world - and then there was darkness.

* * *

Staring into the embers of the campfire, enjoying the heat of the blaze on her wet skin, she reluctantly turned her attention to the man who draped a towel around her shoulders then hugged her; briskly rubbing her back for heat.

"Hey, Manda, did you have a good swim? Jesus, you're ice cold!"

She stared at his mouth and felt the vibration of his body against hers.
"I'm hungry," she whispered; her lips barely touching his. With fascination she saw his eyes dilate and felt his physical reaction. No words were needed as she lured him into the nearest tent.

She felt the tickle of excitement in the pit of her belly as his warm mouth descended, capturing her lips.
His guttural moan sent shivers down her spine. "I could stay here like this forever," he sighed.
With a smile she obliged him. His lifeless body fell to the ground as hers grew stronger with his life force.

"I'm hungry," she whispered again. Singing a joyful melody, she stepped from the tent and made her way back toward the water. Eight sets of eyes followed her.

"Don't you want to stay here forever?" she asked as she walked further into the lake.
One by one they followed her in.


September 2...two steps into the Monthly Author Badge on SteemitBoard


I hope you enjoyed the story

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