How a careless teenager turned into a (step)mom - Part 21 - Celebrating Life!


(life of a girl who survived domestic violence and stalking, fighting for a better life)

Welcome to the Twenty-First day I'm participating in the #monthlyauthorchallenge!
I'm really excited to join the challenge! Why? Because I would love to share some bits of my life with you.
I think it might surprise you and even shock you 😉

DAY 21 Celebrating life!

The supervision order stopped! Such a relieve!
A few months after the supervision order of CPS stopped, my ex-husband just got a supervision order (Is that the same word in English? In Holland it's called TBS) because of the continuous stalking, the threats and some other offenses.

Finally there was peace and rest!!!

For the first time in years we started LIVING instead of SURVIVING.
For me it was like the clouds above my head (that I wasn't awear of) moved away and the sun could finally shine!
I started to open myself up more and more.
I found out that I'm actually a creative person. I like to think out of the box. I like to create new things, with my head and with my hands. I love to organize things. I love to be busy. I love to interact with people.
Things I didn't know about myself, because I was so busy surviving!

I'm still shocked that the stalking, the interference of CPS, and everything that came with it had so much effect on me!

I still have a hard time remembering things. My memory is not what it should be..
Annoying, but I guess it's a blessing as well. I forgot a lot of things that happened back then and I sleep like a baby. 😉

There is so much more to say about these happenings. So much more things that happened. So much more details..
I'm thankful I could share this with you.
I hope a inspired people. If there's one thing I could say to you after all of this is:

Hang in there! There is hope!

For me my faith was A HUGE help through all of this. Just knowing that there's a God who looked after us, and who'd take care of us was so important for me.
I'm so thankful for how things turned out. I'm thankful for my life and the people who are in it.

I'm 10 years together with @fitzgibbon and our 4 kids.
We're going to celebrate our love by making new memories!

We're flying to Marocco tomorrow!
I will keep you updated with pictures!
(I hope there will be wifi available everyday, so I can complete The Monthly Author Challlenge!😁)

Stay tuned!

-Thank you for your interest! I would love to hear something from you! Please leave a comment and I'll get back to you 😊 Hope to see you back tomorrow! Love you 😘!-

This story is part of a series I'm writing this month in the #monthlyauthorchallenge, here below are the previous parts:

Part 20 Fighting CPS
Part 19 Threatened by CPS
Part 18: Stricken by fate
PART 17: Nothing is impossible!
PART 16: We doubled!
PART 15: The stalking continues
PART 14: A Life-changing experience on Valentine's day
PART 13: Getting to know myself again
PART 12: CPS-Mill
PART 11: The Attack
PART 9: Stalking
PART 8: The divorce
PART 7: Running away
PART 6: Domestic violence
PART 5: Now what?
PART 4: Becoming a young mom
PART 3: Kissing and making out
PART 2: The first guy I'll kiss
PART 1: This is me

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