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Frankie Stein walked along the deserted corridor of Monster High, swaying on the heels of her fashionable striped shoes and sparking with contacts from vexation. Why did not Mr. Rotter put her "five" again in dead languages? She also passed the test perfectly, as always!

The complacency of the mummified teacher from Romania had already passed all reasonable limits, and Frankie, outraged by this injustice, sparkled again.

-Oh! ..

Frankie, accidentally flying on something in the corridor, only staggered on her high heels, but the seam, attaching the left hand, still broke, and after a millisecond her mint-colored hand, broke away and flew aside.

"I'm sorry," she heard the soft and insinuating voice of Invizi Billy, as always.

"Nothing," she smiled.

"Should I give you a helping hand?" - Billy took advantage of the old joke and, materializing, helped Frankie to rise.

-Thank you, and you too, I'm sorry.

Climbing up, Frankie immediatelywent in search of her own hand.

"Aha, there you are!" - thought the girl, bending to the floor. But then Frankie heard the familiar boyish voices.

-Once again I did not understand! You were sitting with the laptop up to five this morning! Played, or what?

"Oh my God! This is Jackson! "

Frankie, hearing a voice that made her heart beat harder, straightened up and pressed her whole back against the locker. She did this almost imperceptibly, only a strand of black hair flashed past the door.

-No ... I did, but it did not work out.

It seems to be Heath's voice. He's talking to his brother! Which girl refuses to overhear the conversation of the beloved guy with his close friend? Surely she can discover something important! And what if there is now the opportunity to find out who is loved by Jackson?

Frankie, herself not understanding what she was doing, grew to the cupboard and froze.

"You did not try, that's why it did not work out!" Jackson said irritably.

"Oh, he has such a manly voice when he is angry!" - the girl thought enthusiastically.

-I tried! .. - Heath objected hotly.

-Your dad sneezed and accidentally burned the whole house! So this: tonight you'll do everything right!

Frankie sparkled. This, of course, is not what she wanted to hear, but also very interesting. How?! Boys meet? And, it seems, they already had ... oh ...

Frankie looked up again.

"I'll try ..." Heath answered.

"High-voltage!" Thought Frankie, clutching her mouth with a mint-green palm so as not to laugh.

"Come on," Jekyll-Hyde's voice was heard again. "You know that I love you ..."

The last words of the guy sounded somehow special, and Frankie was so excited that she would be enough to provide the entire school with electricity for ten years ahead.

Then came a fuss, suspiciously reminiscent of the sounds of a wet, wet kiss.

Frankie looked up again.

"Just think about it!"

Frankie stepped out from behind the cupboard. But there was no one in the corridor.


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