Understanding the Power of Your GPU

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It is important to understand the power of your graphics processing unit or simply GPU or graphics card. You might be surprised to learn from this article that its power stretches far beyond the obvious.

We all know that the better your graphics card – or normally the more expensive it is -- the more you can expect from it in terms of performance. A high price tag, cool looks, and high specs can be deceiving though. Beyond the obvious factors mentioned, lies an immensely powerful use case. This can catapult the power of your GPU to a completely new level. What can it be you might wonder…

It is the utilization of your graphics card as a tool in support of true decentralization when it comes to helping to secure blockchain networks. It is the instance where you make your graphics card available for GPU computing on a completely new level, namely crypto mining. This kind of mining activity is nothing short of a computational challenge that involves thousands of miners and their machines across the globe.

To make money with this activity, your graphics card needs to be the first to solve the computational challenge – or in crypto terms – to “mine a block.” A certain amount of computing is needed to complete this task. The amount needed is called the hash power or hash rate and fluctuates from one block to the next – it also differs from one blockchain network to the next. Hash power is normally expressed by the abbreviations MH/s and GH/s – respectively in reference to megahash per second and gigahash per second.

The higher the hash power your graphics card can contribute to help mine a block, the higher your chances of earning money. However, given the immense amount of hash power that is normally needed to mine a block, it is best to contribute hash power via a mining pool. This in essence means that you and other users pool the hash power of your GPUs for maximum impact. A pool normally mines blocks faster and generates earnings faster than any individual miner (with the exception of some large players). In true team spirit – the earnings generated normally get shared by all members of the pool.

WinMiner firmly supports true decentralization. This is why we broke down the barriers to entry. Our crypto mining solution makes it possible to participate – to help advance true decentralization -- without the need for high cost equipment, technical know-how, and more. This leaves the door wide open for thousands of users to participate. It provides a real opportunity to unleash the collective power of our GPUs in a synergetic manner.

Beyond network security, the deeper beauty of true decentralization lies in the fact that you’re helping to make the world a better place by helping to level the playing field. As Evelyn Beatrice Hall stated in The Friends of Voltaire: “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it” (Wikipedia). True decentralization allows us to enjoy the fruits of blockchain technology and cryptos without the need to be 100% or even 10% in agreement.

Consider the above, the next time you deem the power of your graphics card to be only a drop in the ocean. It is much more powerful than what initially meets the eye. Yes, you can earn more by using the best GPU money can buy, but its power doesn’t fall or stand with that alone. Even a low-end GPU can contribute to the efforts of a pool.

Happy mining!

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