Mining Rig 1 - 2nd Payment - Please Claim - 0.20 ETC or 1.264 SBD


Hi Everyone,

payment No 1 has successfully sent to all the partners.

The second payment is also equals to 0.20 ETC or 1.264 SBD (current market rate)

Here is the payment breakdown


Please let me know in the comment, How you want to be paid.

If you want your payment to be processed in the same way as last time. Please comment below this post and i will do it right away.

Please note the SBD price is based on current market rate without any exchange fee of BID/ASK spread.

you can get paid either way you want but i highly encourage all of you to get paid in the currency that is mined in order to be more professional.

And lastly ETC transaction required a small mining fee which will be deducted. and SBD transactions are free from any fees.

Thanks to @rayne122 , @mohsee74 , @swaminemo , @yuni28 for being part of this wonderful project.

A new Mining Rig Project is coming within few weeks and I am looking forward to be supported by my fellow steemians as earlier.

Thanks for Reading.

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