New Thing on Steemit! Fancy joining?

Hello Kind Mindful Steemians!

What is this new thing on #Steemit? No, it's not front end another dApps (as much as I like PALnet) nor is it another Steem Engine Token although recently bought some tokens for the appreciation of the work.

It is rather a unique new thing happening on steemit and it is Steemit Group Meditation or SGM for short. Following the creation of #Mindfullife community by @riverflows under @naturalmedicine Discord server with the help of @porters and @tryskele we started SGM (Steemit Group Meditation) twice weekly on Wednesdays and Saturdays. The group has now grown on to become a platform to encourage and support each other in meditation and to maintain a regular practice. As we know things can get in the way and our hectic schedule can prevent us from progressing to our inner journey of knowing ourselves. So, SGM will continue to give a nudge to the meditators and meditation enthusiasts to keep a regular practice. As we know many learned and enlightened teachers of past and present keep telling us the secret and the secret to the success in the inner journey is perseverance and continuous practice of meditation.

History of SGM
Soon after creating #Mindfullife community we started discussing about running online meditation session. And of course, wonderful Discord has everything we needed. After working out few technical bits with @riverflows, @naturalmedicine invited meditators and meditation enthusiasts to participate in group meditation in the post 🧘 A WARM AND LOVING INVITATION: JOIN US ON 1ST MAY FOR A STEEM FIRST! 🧘. So, the 1st of May also became SMD (Steemit Meditation Day) in addition to #SPUD day! Read HERE about what happened on SMD (some fun included).

Since then we have been meditating in our Virtual Meditation Hall twice a week. Meditators who have supported SGM and meditated in our Virtual Meditation Hall include @amico @bifilarcoil @chireerocks @ConsciousAngel7 @cori(crescendoofpeace) @digitaldan @fracasgrimm @inuke @dazedconfused11 @Immarojas @macchiata @mayb @meditationenthusiast @neelakash @plantstoplanks @porters @raj808 @rebeccabe @reshma @riverflows @saibaba35 @santoshpradhan @senattor @yangyanje @tryskele @vibesforlife @VincentNijman - and everyone brings wonderful energy to the Meditation Hall. Hope you don't mind me tagging you meditators but do feel free to let me know if you rather not. And I believe @in2itiveart @jomed @judith @n202 @rem-steem @steelborne will be joining us at some point? (some are yet to come on Steemit although they are on Discord)

And I hope you don't mind me sharing this @rebeccabe (from today):

This is exactly what makes SGM a worthwhile endeavour to make the world a bit better place as @eco-alex @eco-train say. There are so many other generous and positive comments on SGM that I will have to write another post: "Compilation of the feedback from SGM".

Interested in SGM (Steemit Group Meditation)?
We cordially invite you to Mindful Life community, which resides in the @naturalmedicine server HERE. Our #SGM (#SteemitGroupMeditation) in our virtual Meditation Hall are on:

  • Wednesdays 8:30 to 9:30 pm London time (30 minute session)
    (8:30-8:40 pm check in & brief guidance, 8:40-9:10pm guided meditation and 9:10 to 9:30pm Q & A plus chitchat)

  • Saturdays 5:30 to 7:00pm London time (One hour session)
    (5:30-5:40pm check in & brief guidance, 5:40-6:40pm guided meditation and 6:40 to 7:00pm Q & A plus chitchat).

But you are welcome to join just guided meditation session if time prevents you from joining the whole time.

Please join us – we love to share our Happy Place - Meditation Hall.

Promotion and Reward
This section will contain any promotion or rewards I may be offering. So watch this space. @naturalmedicine is giving away 5SBI for Mindful Monday post - use tag #mindfullife #naturalmedicine and drop a link of your post to @naturalmedicine's Mindful Monday post.




(Thanks to @riverflows for gif)

With Peace Love & Joy πŸ•‰β€οΈπŸ˜Š
Let’s grow together in wisdom through #meditation πŸ§˜πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ

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