mentality mind

Nas nikto Slyshish'? Ne dolzhen vosprinimat' vser'yez...
Potomu , chto nikto ne dolzhen znat' kak my pobedim...
Vmesto litsa -dym,
vmesto tela -ten'
a strategiya i telo nevidimost' -nevidim.
Rezul'tat ?Uznayesh' kogda rasseit'sya tuman i dym ,
kogda ozreyet'sya rassvetom ten' i pronzit'sya luchom ten' t'my yeshche den' otsrochennoy pobedy rovno no ne bol'she chem odin.

Nobody, you hear me? Nobody should take us seriously ...
Because no one should know how we will win ...
Instead of a face - smoke
Instead of a body - a shadow
and strategy and body invisibility are invisible.
The result? You'll know it when fog and smoke dissipate,
When the shadow is ripened by the dawn and the shadow of darkness is pierced by the ray, it is still a day of delayed victory exactly but not more than one.



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