Depp and Heard trial a net positive for many including myself.


A lot of people are rather upset that the Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard case is so public. There are legitimate concerns about what this means about our priorities as a culture. I can also understand the desire of many people, including myself, to keep our private lives private.

That said, the fact that this is being placed in the spotlight is probably for the best. It's certainly for the best for Depp. After Heard put out her op-ed Depp was experiencing the brunt of the #metoo movement. Hollywood definitely took the "believe all women" line along with many other people. Most of us, including me, just didn't know.

What's more, it's very hard to win a defamation case in the USA. The burden is on the plaintiff and that burden is pretty much that the plaintiff has to prove a negative. What having all the cameras in the room has done is flip public opinion in favor of Johnny Depp. I'm convinced that it's more important to Depp to have his reputation and career back outside of the court system than it is for him to get Heard's money. Yes, perhaps having a reporter in the room giving us the jist would be enough persuade a lot of people; but, there's no substitute for hearing the words straight from the mouths of the people involved.

I think it's going to be a net positive that people are watching. The negatives are there; but, I'm glad we're paying attention.

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