Law of Affinity



"Whenever the causes that cause the effects come together, the same effects are produced." This principle of law could not be born on earth, but for the love of our older brothers from other worlds of perfection, but still perfectible, to infinity. But why is science advancing so gradually? And why, in the last 50 years, has science discovered more secrets than in all previous centuries? I am going to answer these questions of great interest, in order to "deface wrongs".

Until fifty years ago, religions prevailed worldwide.
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Who will say no to me? For this reason, the men of progress who wanted to free themselves from oppression had to serve in those ranks and, as if by stealth, launched a new principle, which would soon fall into the censorship of the church; and if such was the force of the principle, it was approved with many amendments, which disfigured it. But between the discussion and the disguise, it transcended to some and to others; and although it was gagged, something remained and then entered universities, laboratories and, little by little, its force came to become law, out of necessity. You have already discovered the reason why science usually takes a long time to discover secrets and elementary principles.

But the spirit does not die and is constant when I enter progress. The law of kindred, the executing arm of the Law of Love, was always constrained by the evil, error, and predominance of the supremacists, but it prepared things in their places, gathering the effects of causes that opposed progress, and converts those effects into cause by virtue of justice and equality by common love.

To this end, having gathered together the oppressed, the failed, those sacrificed by systematic oppression, prepared the necessary elements on earth, descend from the discoverers of America to Napoleon, warriors and rebels, men of science and workers. Spain prepares a new world where all those who would necessarily have to leave their homeland would be welcomed, after the battle that they came to fight has been fought and there they would leave the field of ideas prepared and, with their expatriation, bring the same ideas to the new continent, thus preparing unity and putting the seal that man is not a foreigner anywhere.

Meanwhile, the adventurers (according to petty historians), men of mission, according to the Judge who knows what these effects obey, because he knows the cause that originates them: while these men of great mission, some dressed as friars, others as warriors, others as labourers and even as hunters and even as bandits, prepared a continent, a new dwelling within the very abode of the land, which before was not, because it suited the inexorable law of affinity, which is based on justice, equality and compensation, the furies of the God of the supremacists were unleashed there on the old continent, and the bonfires, the dungeons, the wheels, the hooks, the foals, the poisons, the rope and the dagger were brought into play, in vengeance of the daring ones who had given help and ears to the adventurers who denied that the universe was those pieces of land, with which the principles had to change and the ideas to advance. And the first cry of those below began; those in the middle, joined them because they carried strength, and the captain arrived, at the beginning of the century of lights, and Napoleon wants to unify the earth. The sword was still necessary; although Napoleon was once one of Jesus' loving disciples, he came with the sword because the law of affinity taught him and required him to bring it, to initiate unity under one creed, Love; which could not yet be spoken of and given as the supreme law. Napoleon, because of the great religious pressure, crossed the line that had been marked, not because he wanted but because he was sold by his own captains. He, in Spain, was only going to strip a babieca who had the crown imposed by Rome and was an obstacle for his high idea, to make the universal empire. The ambition of some captain of his, son of the errors and prejudices of religion and supremacy, did not fulfill Napoleon's orders and made him fail in the establishment of the only empire, but left bases set, and above, in the Councils of the Father, was taken good note of being the time to prepare the descent of the Judge to overthrow the apocryphal Christ (for what would be called the Antichrist), weapon of the cause of so many and so sad effects Did these historians know these points? They were told; but prejudice made them cowards and disregarded the truth of history. They were told, I have said; yes, historians, they were told.

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Who does not know the "Nose of Porretín" that you have been told was speaking and informing, and even sending, I say, Napoleon? Well, I know that dwarf with Porretín's nose and dressed in red, who ordered Napoleon, as he might have been presented as Joan of Arc. Can anyone doubt that the Apostle of Spain, James, was seen on horseback and leading a battle of a handful of men against great legions of Moors? If there is anyone who doubts it, let him go to Africa; where after many centuries, there are those who ask "if the white horse still lives" but above all the Judge tells you that he was an apostle of Jesus, to replace him as head of the apostolate. All the facts of the earth are produced by the influence and with the participation of the spirits; and not by caprice and taste, but obeying the law of affinity, which prepares with the strictest justice all the facts; From the constitution of an ant to the hecatombes of Messina, Santiago, California, and, if it is in justice, it breaks a world in pieces, to unite them and leaves one out and sustained by the same law, serving it as moon, which gives it light by reflection, at night; this is the law of affinity, in which the humanity that already begins to arrive is bathed in Love and Justice.

But in all things that belong to historical facts, the law of affinities, has little to take care of itself (we would say in our way of expressing ourselves on earth), because every thing (from the earth up) to the millimeter and the second of our measures, fulfill their duty because all things and beings bathe in love. But in the worlds of atonement, trial and primitive, where nothing reigns but malice and flesh, oh, what an arduous work to organize a fact! How many centuries are necessary to gather the kindred in the point of justice! Only the power of God Love can do it! Because my brothers do not go to believe that it is enough to want justice; because it would always be in your hand. It must be in harmony with all the other laws, and it consists of the great part, in man, who has free will and is not restricted by the Father. But like the law of kindred, many centuries, dozens of centuries before a fact and points in harmony with the supreme law, always triumphs in its time, by justice.

You have it demonstrated in the testament of Abraham, inserted in the first chapter. Centuries before announced the law, written after the captivity of Israel; and announces, the light of his sons 36 centuries before and commands, among that time, prophets, missionaries and Messiah and, on the eve of the greater event, fifty years before, come the "Angels and tongues of fire" to prepare the way for the Spirit of Truth and the son of man, who would come to judge the living and the dead.

But the materiality of men, and the malice (of the demons called Abraham, working against the angels, which are the spirits of light, that some and others were men, and are men again), the materiality, I repeat, understands the angels, which ignorance has painted for him; and the tongues of fire, material; and it has been necessary, that man should not plead ignorance, that these should come as they knew him; spirits arrived took the form with which human fantasy painted them, and the hecatombes of Messina, Martinique, California occurred, and the volcanoes, or Vesuvius, pulled out their tongue and spit lava; but even so, the systematic, the evil, the opponents of true justice, blamed it on the punishment of the free, of those who love the one true God in progress, in love and truth. . . .fools! . .

But the law is forward-looking, as inexorable; and before that, those who were to speak, sent to the world other kindred ones who took body with aptitudes and faculties, by which they would speak and, one among all, who would gather the philosophy and give it printed to the world, while the Judge reached his point with all his own to receive the Spirit of Truth, gather his word and judge the living, and the dead; and it is worth as much to deny as nothing; the facts have happened and he who does not want to believe it and take advantage of it (I speak to the three generations) will believe it to his detriment when he disincarnates. I fulfill my duty, and have struggled for 57 centuries to fulfill my oath to the Father and, sometimes incarnated and always as a spirit, I was in the struggle and in it I continue.

But the law of affinity, where their work is greatest, is in the union of beings, who are led astray by the ignorance of pure love, and they are obsessed with self-love and carnal love, this not being the love that unites families; but carnal love is also licit and necessary, and it is within the law and it is the law of necessity, while there is no conscience of pure love, for the law of procreation. But I will treat it, with due extension, after the law of justice.

The law of affinity is the executor of the supreme law of Love; it is inflexible and mathematical and reaches all the facts of the universe, from the union of the first "electron, molecule and atom" to the complete termination of a world, and does not finish eternally its functions of transformation, always progressive, until infinity; but it is like a being without entrails or feelings; tears do not soften or sighs, and praises do not boast about it; it is the law and nothing else.

And what do you think of the law of affinity ?

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