Demonstrations of life

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Nothing in the world is simpler than the demonstrations of life, because everything moves and everything that .Nothing in the world is simpler than demonstrations of life, because everything moves and everything that moves; but few are those who distinguish the infinite demonstrations of life, outside of animal bodies or animated by blood liquid: And yet, all three kingdoms, mineral, vegetable and animal, have equal life; that is, what we call natural, or also irrational, that we should no longer use such word in the commune, because there is nothing irrational in the divine law, on which all life depends; that word is already relegated, because it is only appropriate for while man is only a "duo" in the majority, which they are until the end of the sixth day; and many duos still continue in the seventh day, which by their goodness and because they obeyed the law of the majority, remain in the counting of the elders, with pro tables to work under the law of justice and equality and in union with the triune ones to learn to discover and live their trinity.

For this reason, on the seventh day, he has no comprehension of the phrase "irrational life" and understands "natural life", which we will explain in its corresponding paragraph, because it only attends to the demonstration of life, in its bodies and forms.

Not only human and animal bodies, beasts, insects that walk, move or drag by virtue of their law, by their constitution, have a demonstrative form of life, which is what is called the animal kingdom and in which man enters his body; but the other two kingdoms, vegetable and mineral, also have a demonstrative life, and all the bushes demonstrate it, in which, in order to bear fruit, they need procreative agents, or males, that deposit in the pollen of the females the germinal substance, at whose contact those germs are melted in the sap and begin the circulatory movement, which results in the fruit.

Forestry science came to notice this truth and proved by the palm tree that in a palm plantation where there was no male, it did not bear fruit. But as soon as a male was planted, the entire plantation bore fruit. This made man to be sane and prevented in all plants, promiscuation with the graft and got abundant fruit, tastier and more beautiful flowers and harmony in their fields. In liquids and minerals, life is much more intensely demonstrated than in the vegetable kingdom, because progress has required the use of materials and products that the earth gave separately and man's thought was illustrated, taking from the natural facts that he found and not a few times from the lives that it cost him the consumption of many products and also the short duration of his instruments and the much work that his construction cost him.

From all this, man deduced that, with the fusion of some metals with others, he gave some more consistency and others more beauty, and so he acted wisely; and the materials demonstrated the life that related them to each other and the same in chemistry, which has reached great heights at the end of the sixth day; but that he has great surprises left for the seventh day.

Anyway, life is demonstrated in the three kingdoms of nature, by forms, by fruits, by colors and by procreation in men and chemically and physically animated and by the combination of some with other species of substances that determine improvement, harmony and beauty, it is demonstrated metaphysically.

What man does not know as a duet is where life lies; and since he did not give life to the spirit (being life in truth), man committed all the errors and horrors of ignorance; but life could not deny it, because he lived; but he believed it only of the moment, in a body and for once and hence its smallness.

But his hour has come in the law, and man in the commune, in which there may be brethren less wise than others, but not ignorant, shall know the truth of life, and where it lies, which is the matter of the next paragraph.

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