Top 5 Memes for 8/23/22

Hey memesquad,

I wanted to do this daily but life ahh... ahh... ahh... gets in the way 😕

Now, I just want to go on record, that some of you may find certain memes offensive. I also find certain memes offensive. I often laugh at them and will sometimes share them. If these memes are offensive to you, I hope also laugh at them BECAUSE THEY ARE JOKES.

If I share an adult/offensive/kinky/political/etc meme, I am in no way endorsing that behavior or belief in real life - I just found it funny, regardless of content... Because I don't personally offended by memes 🤷‍♂

I'll do my best to keep uploading my top 5 memes for the day as I come across them! For your memeing pleasure:

1: Well hot damn country ham... What the actual fuck - my brain never saw it before and now can NEVER unsee it 😲


2: GrandOldMemes put out a banger and I'm not going to lie - after traveling the world, I see the US Media as nothing more than Gov't Propaganda Machines 🤷‍♂


3: Luigi has his shit together... #fuckfascism (ps google the definition of fascism for a fun surprise)


4: I... will... NEVER... look at Black Olives the same way again... what the actual fuck lmaooooooooooo 🤢


5: Whoever made this meme is a sick, twisted, degenerate... but goddamnit I couldn't stop laughing at the hilariousness of this meme paired with the "you sick fuck, that's not funny" of the reality... Best use of the "The WHAT?!" meme template I have ever seen you absolute MONSTER.


That's it for today my fellow memelords! I gotta run but I'll do my best to catch you later!

Upvotes aren't necessary but they're appreciated for my commentary! The memes either come from me, friends or random meme groups - if there's a watermark or artist tagged, I will ALWAYS shout them out!

Sharing IS caring though, so spread the laughs with a reblog so more people can enjoy some high quality memes :)

See you tomorrow for more!

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