7th Steemit Cebu Meetup: An Opportunity to Engage and Share ❤️

About more than one month ago, I posted my first ever post -- introduce yourself post though I have registered last November 2017. Even with that first post, I have experienced being welcomed by different people behind their respective usernames.

Today, I attended for the first time the 7th Steemit Cebu Meetup. You know what, I have experienced so much similarities with the moment after I have posted my introduce yourself post. I felt so welcome and people are so eager to welcome everybody.

Steemit Cebu Meetup: Thankfully, I am not that late not to be part of the picture-taking. Yey!

This is the only decent photo of the venue which I took awhile ago. Forgive me, I am not so into taking picture with my phone. ☹️

In all honesty, I was so amazed by the people behind the event. They're so diligent in setting meetups such as this. Imagine, it's already on its 7th Meet up! Where have I been? This is my first time to attend! Hahaha!

It was already picture-taking sesh when I arrived. Thankfully, @thegaillery saw me and willingly invited me to join the photo sesh. Really, I felt I have lost the opportunity to get to know more people in the community. The price of being late, was indeed something to be paid with lesser time to engage with other steemians. Nevertheless, I am still beyond thankful I have met and shared time with a few.

At last, most of the usernames that I got to see in this platform are now given with faces. (Congrats to me?)

Shout out to the steemians that I have met awhile ago in person! Special mention to @josejirafa, @itinerantph, @julsmlz, @jassennessaj, @jcvertucio, @fernwehninja and many more! 🙃

Pardon me, my bad because I forgot to get your steemit names. ☹️

You see, I have attended the event not just to witness a part of the community that builds up Steemit Cebu (because I know that there are still a lot of steemians who haven't attended the meetup awhile ago). I have also attended the event with the hopes of reaching out other people to share an advocacy. Together with @smaeunabs and @jcvertucio, my co-financial advocates, we hope to share and spread the importance of financial literacy. Not only that, we have also extended financial awareness relating it with Cryptocurrency and Steemit.

Sharing our financial advocacy to our fellow steemians during the meetup earlier. I am so glad to take this topic/advocacy to a wider audience together with @smaeunabs and @jcvertucio.

Thank you so much to all the people behind the successful meetup earlier! I am hoping to meet you in the next meetups. Also, thank you to all the steemians who willingly shared their time with us through listening to our financial awareness! I am so excited for you! For us!

Yum yum yum! Thank you Steemit Cebu! For this life changing opportunity!

Cheers to Financial Freedom! 🍻

The venue is just right. Indeed, after the event... a memory has been baked.

Thank you Marisse Patisserie! Thank you for taking part in baking memories.

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