Meditation: Sept 11, 2017. You have arrived; now begin your journey.

In the beginning was relationship. And harmony existed in the universe because perfect truth love and one-ness are permanent, and real.

In the moment (the fleeting yet always present "now"), three aspects of perfection are perfectly balanced. We could not exist without the relationship above (above meaning conceptual and archetypical) and we could not be born without human relationship on earth. After all, can perfect love create something less than perfect?

Experts say that two roommates -- in general -- are much less likely to be compatible (or at least less likely to find a semi-permanent stability) than three. Three introduces a type of community rather than a dualism. Consider that two roommates would each be more likely to "jump to conclusions" about the motives of the other, while three would be more likely to give "the benefit of the doubt".

From the eternal three-in-one came the three dimensional physical world: space time and matter. Each of these are also triune: width-length-depth (or height) for space, past-present-future for time, and form-substance-mass for matter. The universe contains inter-relationships which can be called triunes, such that if any one of the three was not present, the other two cannot exist.

Chemistry teaches that the molecular world is made up of positive, negative and neutral particles. Compounds, matter, reactions, thermal properties, conductivity, etc could not exist without all three.

Every conflict, large or small, is the result of "us vs them" or "me vs other" mentality. We want to be independant of all, yet we manufacture via imagination something to oppose. This implies that we are not meant to be alone. We seek peace even unto the risk of great conflict.

But, just as peace, love and truth are permanent and real, everything that is temporary cannot be real. Let all conflict fade from your awareness now.

Essence or Spirit is not of the three dimensional world. It is not positive, negative, or neutral. (Neutral implies a balance or accounting of the negative and positive, and so it is not outside of the duality.)

Freedom from judgement will allow truth to enter your awareness. Imagine a peaceful reflecting pool. Still your mind.

After reading this, close your eyes and relax. Meditate and do not presume any previous answers, or any answers at all. Simply be open to what comes. Rest in peace and KNOW that you are free and at one. Then return to your reading.

------------BE still and be at peace for a time. -----------

Comment below about our nature and super-nature, or describe what direction you want this conversation to take. We will continue in Relationship and Spirit. But more specifically than that is for us to decide together.

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