Meditation- Friendship



Summarizing my thoughts on friendship as an essential component as I journey through 2018 is to most importantly develop friendship with God.

Intimacy: which is God's greatest desire, to be intimate, closer, deeper and warmer with him (for shared interest, to be with him is to feed fresh from him).
Friendship with God is therefore a necessity for me.
Intimacy is a must for me.
Friendship with God is a choice.
Friendship with God is costly.
Friendship with God will be tested because "whatever God cannot test he cannot trust."
Friendship with God needs expression, any friendship that cannot be put on public display, is that one a friendship?
Friendship with God is rewarding.

Why then do I need to be close to God?
There is need for me to be close to him because that is his original plan and he paid a high price for it to happen.
Closeness with him feeds my inner life with strength and also with his presence.
Another reason to be close to him is the provision of needed help in times of trouble and also because he's asking for it.

How can I therefore draw close to God?
The knowledge of God is the ingredient of wisdom, I therefore need to get to know him more by studying his word.
I've got to spend quality and consistent time with him in talking and listening to him.
Obedience is the final thing to do in drawing close to God.

To take God into myself entirely this year is my earnest plea. What about you?

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