Simple Development-Tasks - Help Us 'Build Afresh' Or 'Replicate Some Pages The Exist On' Onto



This the repository for '' a SCOT-enabled nitrous.


The tasks at hand are simple. In the early stages of development for, we want to keep things simple as a focus is in the near-term is "fast delivery"

In the tasks below, we want to build/replicate some pages that already exists on on ''. Ulogs also uses a react  framework and its code can be found on ''. 

Note: This is the repo-URL: ''. You will need to create a fork 'branching from the Marlians branch' and after the task is done, you will need to submit a PR to the Marlians branch as well. After your PR is merged, you can do a post highlighting your  contribution and add the following utopian-related tags; #utopian-io, #task-development for possible curation by utopian. (To get picked up by utopian, you will need to only have a maximum of 5 tags.)Kindly remember to add in #marlians as one of the tags to your contribution-post to enable us vote on it via ''. 

Task 1.

Add a new tab called - 'Certified Uloggers' List; that leads to this URL: ''. Add the new tab just under the 'Get Certified' tab as depicted below: 


Task 2.

Simply replicate the page found on '' onto ''. The page in question looks like this: 

All "the text"/"a default video" needed is already on '' (the ulogs code is on ''). However, keep the design consistent with the style.

After you have built, add a new-tab to the top rightmost menu called 'Grow' that links to '

Task 3.

Build a replica of the page found here - '' onto ''. The page looks like this: 

Over the course of the task, i will provide an 'exact copy of text' for each aspect of the page but for quick delivery, consider using 'text' found on '' for now. 

While you can build the page afresh, you can also replicate the code for '' as seen on '' but kindly maintain the styling of


This is the repo-URL:

An issue was written to the above repository which you can find here:

The task above is quite simple. You will need to create a fork branching from the Marlians branch and after the task is done, you will need to submit a PR to the Marlians branch as well.. 

Our focus is 'fast delivery'. 

Overall, carry out the task according to your preference and expertise, submitting a pull request and thereafter create a post highlighting your contribution, following Utopian's guidelines for Development (contributions).  

Kindly remember to add in #marlians as one of the tags to your contribution post to enable us vote on it via ''.


2 days   


You can contact me on:       

You can also indicate interest by leaving a comment underneath this post or on Github. 


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