Magic Cube 3x3x3: 1000 solves

I now have recorded 1000 timed solves with a 3x3x3 magic puzzle and decided to do a recap of my performance. Solving cubes is an exercise to improve my discipline and focus.

The above is a graph of all of my solve time with the y-axis in minutes:seconds. The lower yellow line are the personal best times. The hump you see around 720 solves is where I started a new session and a new method of solving.
You see, the method I was using to solve was easy to learn, but not very extensible. I believed I was reaching the end of improvement with that method and so endeavored to learn a new way to solve my last layer. There were four new algorithms to learn with a bunch of new cases. I now think I have these four algorithms learned well enough I can start adding in more. That's the beauty of this new method: extensibility one new algorithm at a time.

My deviation has decreased this session. This represents increasing consistency in my solve times. My previous method was very inconsistent and that made time comparison difficult.
My best solve time is 54.94 seconds which I achieved during this session using the new solve method. I have a post about that here.

The real important numbers are that my deviation and mean solve time have decreased. Meaning faster and more consistent solves.

My goal now is to add in algorithms one by one to make my last layer even faster. I will report in at my next milestone.

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