A love story

Finger is wrinkling blood

Rezovan's face is frustrating, eye confusion Mentally upset. He needs a hidden room. There should not be a window in the house, and it will also run. There is no ceiling fan on top of the head, there is no window in the porch of the valley, and the window hinges of Rezwan, there is no window in it. Rather, it is better to keep the windows closed on the door. Privacy will be maintained.
When the pictures were engraved, Rezaula's tea was found to be teasing. But who will give tea? To make tea in the dark night itself. But do not like the tea itself made by itself. Leave the tea and enter the studio. Look at the wide color of canvas. The mind was burning, it would have been better if a cigarette. Opens the table drawer; There is a pack of cigarettes. The mind is dancing, but by opening the packet, there is no cigarette. The depressed mind became depressed at noon in the night. Reclining on the wall, shaking his head. It looks like someone standing on the door. Chanchal Reshwan goes forward, opens the door. A blotchy wind blows away. No, Susanna did not come. But Rezovan's nose, Susanna's secret smell found in the body. Look at the clock. There is no possibility of coming in suzana at midnight. And now in his own house, he is sleeping comfortably in his room.

Rezwan is married but Rosie thinks he is far away. Only one of the everyday families, none of the body or the mind. On the other hand, the thirst of the resonan industry is added to the thirst. But everyday, without any hesitation. Do not use the arrow in the body of Rose? Women are so cool? Resonant artist Canvas pictures become alive to paint different dimensional images of women in color canvas. Talks with the living character of the photo with him. Loving, laughing, Kattak, Manipuri, Bharatnatyam - Tha Tha Tha Thi Thi ... Holding in two hands, resigns But all is empty. When roasting fast on the night of thirsty thorny ears can hear harsh voices, what a burning sensation! Can not sleep a little in peace? Go from here
Fast Neglect in the Face of Rose's Eyes Artist Rezovan's thirst broke out in the heart of the chest, in the sky, in the air, in the river waves, in the horse racing market. Rozier's ruthless ax hits herself as a dog, Rezovan thinks. It seems that Heis Murtas voyage's silent knit dog is sitting on his own bed and licking lonely.

Rezwan Siddiqui's alternative thirst is in a gentle soft woman's velvet strong body. To him, the body of a woman seems to be a mysterious world. In the film, she invented the woman in color, and she is in a new form, with thousands of words. Rezwan knows, women in the art of all artistic pursuits in the world. After seeing Suzanne, her indignant thirst has added new synergy. It feels great to think only by thinking of him. Suzanna is tired and tears in mind. Suzanna kisses a bowl, kisses and kisses. Random walk to resemble Walk around to look at all the things around. During the walk, the window of the house is painted in different colors. Red, Blue, Pink, Green, Acid blue screen. Who live in such a colorful screen? Do not need to pay a living guest or a room in these houses or houses?

source- pixaby.com

According to a resident of walking, the government can make these helpless boyfriend lovers one by one. If the government had a beautiful arrangement, children would not have to be so scared on the street. The love could not be spread all over and infected.
Infectious love? Of course. But love for her is not contagious, bigger. A creative man like Rezovan does not want to be a woman or a woman. Life is stopped. The color of the color does not rise in color. If the color does not agree with the imagination, the puff stops. Woman's body is a wonderful garden garden. The flower of the garden is never easy. But where resuscitation will be an unselfish lover? That would only take him to artism without expecting anything? Who is there? Where will love love? To whom?
A man may need women even after forty or fifty years. Or if someone is widower? If a wife gets divorced? How do people live? This is now Reszoan, his wife. Looks like Rose is not bad. If you tried, you could have been a heroine. He does not know how beautiful his eyes are! But physical relationship with Rose does not occur once a year. Roji is absolutely disenchanted. A scary woman made of stone. Men's inner desire kusum dies in thirty-thirty years, Rezwan could not believe, if he did not see his wife!

Rezwan has been in love with the day she saw Suzanne There is a different kind of personality. It can not be said about the taste or love of the sorcerer. And the man who is married, considering that the man will love Sujana? Rezwan decides, first contact with Susanana on the telephone. Maybe you do not care about it at the beginning, but contact the phone to resign. It is not as difficult as Sudan thought. On the first day, she talks with her passionately and emotionally, Suzanne speaks.
Suzanne herself also got a little closer. There is no way to talk. To work with lots of people is to talk to Susanana. She runs a shop in Gulshan Avenue. Picture shop selling - The Carnival Sujana has an excellent collection of pictures from abroad. Foreign buyers of his store - the Embassy's Lojakon. The Carnival has beautiful spaces for sitting or chatting. How many people come in, how many people go? Out of these, there are few people who do such things. Sujana speaks lively at the Reshwaan phone. And Rezwan is making phone calls every day. Speaking of the shouting, Susanna is watching at one point, she waits for the resoyan's phone. I love to talk to him. And the world keeps the news all around the world. Susanna got intoxicated on the phone and said to Suzanne When Rezwan is late to call, he will call himself on the landphone. Two hours after the state speaks for two hours. Speaking to the phone, Rezovan reached very close to Susanena. Now it is not just the words, both of them want to keep body in the body. But where do they meet? Want a safe house After many attempts, Rezwan finds a house. One Artist Friend's Home

source- pixaby.com

Reshwan invites you to meet Suzanne Susanna comes. It is astonishing to enter the house, it is difficult to understand what is the house of sleeping or any other house. The bedroom of the dining room is more than unobtrusive. Suzanne hugged her in the messy house and rozwen. Her body's wild smell came to Susanna's nose. He moved away from Rezaulan's touch.
Dissolve the words of Rezovan, plans for the future, my favorite flower is a shiver. Flavorwise, the house is filled with fragrance. In the rainy season I like to decorate the juice of the juice of juice of juice. I like to add red and white roses to the dope. Without the deodorant spray, I do not get out of the house. And of course, I want brands of perfumes. But these things do not enter on Rezovan's head. He married men. The woman's body is the only one that is now Woman want her Forty years of hard work, young man is very troubling. In the first year of marriage, the wife fulfilled her needs. But after the birth of a baby, Rosie's body came to mia. After being two kids, Rose gives a completely white leaf, and I can not.
In the morning I have to wake up. You stay asleep till twelve. I have to get kids up and eat breakfast. To send to school.
The lack of power is also waking up. The cost of both the children's school, the tiffin money for the children, the rent and the cost of transportation, the trophy situation is all about. Excessive rosy expi That lull is growing. Rosy thinks that he has given a huge stigma to Rezwan Dreams that surrounded her husband at the beginning of the wedding, the dream broke. Otherwise, income tax can not be able to earn income as well as family and income. Rozier's flogged voice is not just a bush, but friends of Rezovan know it now.

Rezwan became impotent when Rozira was forced to force. Wonder! In the night, a giant pains continued to roam around the bed. Sleeping night goes to the bathroom frequently. Standing on the outer verandah, standing open in the sky. They count Never midnight, sometimes all night Rezwan thinks about the disaster in his life. Why are you living such a difficult life? When he takes pictures in canvas, those moments are sweet. It seems that the pictures, canvas, tulis and diverse colors can explain them. Office colleagues can not understand The Income Tax Office has lots of overheads, but in some way resigners can not go that way. At every moment his artisan shrugs, Yeah, Rezwan, you are not the artist! You can not be as simple as others. You are awesome Your painted picture is decorating in the house. You obey people ...

Many night the resonant saw the blue film on the computer, when everyone was asleep. These images are delighted to see the low volume. If the loss of the body is similarly reduced, but when the pain decreases, the question arises in the mind - why do I live in the river Meghna to remain in the mouth with thirsty water? Where do you go with the remorse seekers? I think it would be better to have a weak male. The greedy appetite of the body could be freed from liability. Intense drought begins in life. The jar of the drought rattles.
Sujana silently listens to Rezauan's happiness and defeat but does not make any comment. Job resignation livelihood. Using painting life to survive. In his family, everyone named the picture. The job is done to say. Otherwise, life would have been stagnant. To spend in the hotel or mess. The relationship with Rosie is not stable. Love was married, how many words, how much appeal was made. Body exchange. Then Rozie seemed to be very appealing. Love was so strong, body tension was intense. The relationship between two-tone rides on the marriage pitch. Now nobody knows anyone from one bed. Yes life Yes youth O intensive darkness, oh .... Clouds in the dark came dark. The night sky comes in the sky is the sky

Friend Abedin funny people. Reshwan's help extended the need. For whom in this city does so much? Rezwan gave 500 taka to the son of the working boy to make the room fit. Abbeed took a bottle of wine. The job boy has kept the room clean. Reshwan wanted Susan to sleep in the chest Take body warmth. Women will burn themselves inside the body's warmth. But Suzanne avoided the tactics. Desperate Rezwan Siddiqui fructically opened the bottle. One glass for yourself and one for the glass of Susan.
No, I will not eat.
Ask to give a drink, Reshwanan, why not eat?
Suzanne brings smile and cheerful dries Rezwan can not say this. The smartest on the phone is not smart enough to move in real behavior. A woman.
to be continu......
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