From me, With love.

“I embraced you not only when you were scared, but even when you trembled with fear of frightening others:

I wiped off your blood not only when you hit the ground, but even when your hands were drenched in it shamelessly:

Irony is that, now when you are vilifying your only existence, you don’t spare staining my cloak to bury your sins along with humanity underneath its hem.”

Oh my beloved Man(Man as in every Human)!

Ever since the blink of life, I have bore you peacefully, comfortably and with compassion. But as time passed, your desires touched the newer heights and your deadweight kept mounting. It still couldn’t move me much. After all I was created with great yielding power. You pierced me with swords and spears, you afflicted me wars and conflicts,you scarred me with bullets and bombs, but never did I give up on you. After all I was supposed to show a bigger heart. You split me into fragments and I overlooked at it as your ignorance, collecting my own bits. You seared the life around me, but I tilted myself making it patent for new. The burden of your lust, your sins, your ruthlessness scalded me to my core. I further tried to devour it all. But now I feel choked by your weary load. My chest is inflamed with grief that only ripping it off would bring me solace..

I was made to be an abode of Orchids and Damask roses, Tulips and Peonies, not a graveyard to burry humanity and not a barren land for corpses. I am filled to the brim. No mulch is nourishing me, but the fodder of human blood is what you are suffocating me with. I don’t smell of musk, but diffuse the sting of shame. My skin is torn, my core is dwindling and my being is jolted with ignominy that you have brought me. I am awestruck, how I have nurtured savages in my cradle of altruism.

I do not hear songs of gaiety and yearning anymore. Only things I do hear are the cries of tyranny and sounds of horror and devastation. I have seen love blossoming all around me, but now hatred is the trend with so many connotations. I don’t feel the longing of lovers but the sting of foul. The lovers don’t hold hands anymore, instead they shoulder the coffins of their dreams wrapped in white shrouds of satin. I don’t feel humility when you tread past my roadways, but I feel smothered with your every step towards covetousness.

Oh my dear, I never needed your claims over me. You didn’t need to owe me. Had you ever looked beyond the shallowness of your head, you would have known how you always had me. But Ah! Your poignant cowardice. You ploughed me with the blood of my sons and daughters, you muddled me with your loathsome adoration. Blinded in your hegemony, you couldn’t comprehend the innocence of a child, couldn’t feel the pain of a mother, ache of a lover, couldn’t hear the prayer of a priest, call of a Muezzin. You belittled me way beyond I can forgive you ever.

Intoxicated with the ecstasy of greed, drunk with the filth of transient power, possessed by the dementors of false might, your sight has been obscured, leaving no stone unturned to bring me shame, trying every bit to make humanity sound either extinct or Greek. Where in God’s name has your soul gone lurching? Don’t your veins bleed red anymore? Do you not breathe in the same air as Eve? Does your anguish feel different than those you slain in the name of THEORIES?

Yank your timid self, look into and around you. Feel the smile of tender faces, hear the singing of nature into your deaf ears, read a few ballads of harmony (only if you can read anything but malice). Go with the flow of Sunday mass, Cathedrals will seem pristine again. Hold the string of virtues, disdain the sheen of savagery and abomination. Clean the dust of ignorance and rawness from your corrupt minds, pinch your self a little, may be the pain will awaken your slumbering conscience, feel your heart with your hands, may be you will re-discover humanity.

With love

Not yours Mother Earth!


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