The Improvements Offered By CitiOS As Compared to the Existing Platforms

The concepts of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology are still in the early years in the finance world. Nevertheless, the two have actually captured the attention of the community all over the world and brought about new opportunities.
Lending services making use of digital coins is one of such opportunities in question. Cryptocurrencies supported by blockchain technology are now being used to provide quick loans worldwide.
In addition, the platforms give people the chance to invest their coins and receive interest. CitiOS is one such platform.

What Makes CitiOS Unique

1. Micropayment Technology: How will robots pay to a robot? Payment is certainly not with a credit card. CitiOS features built-in R2R crypto token designed for high-speed transactions, point-to-point micropayments , and no transaction fee.

2. Internet of Things (IoT) Data: Another great thing that makes CitiOS exceptional is that it safely connects the Dots of IoT (Internet of Things) data worldwide.
3. Security and Privacy: With permission-based access, vital data is stored on the blockchain. All the CitiOS users have their blockchain ID for privacy and security , making the platform safer.

4. Quite Efficient and Simple: When it comes to efficiency, CitiOS is more efficient. This is due to the fact that all automated payments to business network participants are based on sensor data — and all are performed without human efforts and participation.

5. Advanced Technology: CitiOS uses highly developed technology to make sure users feel safe and productive in their various communities always.

6. Service Digitalization: Megacities face the risk of complexity, even as urban development can spur economic opportunity and growth.
With CitiOS program, city services can be digitalized and applications provided for resource management, data research, business transactions, insurance, and risk control for industry, government, and research institutions.

The CitiOS Token Details
The CitiOS blockchain technology will use a utility ERC20 token referred to as RoboAi Coin, designated as R2R. The token is an ERC20 because the project is on the Ethereum platform.
Furthermore, the digital currency shall be employed for enhancing international settlements, particularly among cross-countries companies in areas such as African development.

In the whole project, it is set to be a key facilitator in investors’ participation. There is R2R token available for investors.

The Full Details

The Name of Token: RoboAi Coin R2R
The Token Symbol: R2R
Token Standard: ERC20
Token Features: Etheruem Blockchain
The Total Amount of RoboAi Coin in Circulation: 1,000,000,000 (1 Billion)
Price/Exchange Rate: $0.4 to $1.0

The Initial Coin Offering (ICO) Token Sale
CitiOS token sale will be carried out through an ICO or Initial Coin Offering with $180,000,000 as the target amount.
A lock-up (pool) will mainly be used for the Attribution incentive and refers to setting up the amount of tokens that would be put in the market to meet service demands and guarantee the healthy liquidity of the token market.
Token would be put on the market in a bit by bit manner and also check the change in the number of market or users.

In addition, the available 1 billion tokens shall be circulated as follows:
§ 1% for Airdrop
§ 7% for Team
§ 50% for Sale
§ 5% for Partners
§ 30% for Reserve
§ 7% for Marketing
As a result, the Initial Coin Offering (ICO) token sale will be for 50% of the total CitiOS tokens available.

Resources of Company:

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BTT Profile link:;u=2287058
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Ethereum Wallet: 0xFB64A1206Bf4182Df591C6f976f33419d8ad9d73
Telegram: @MDOLILLAH
BTT User Name: LordExcite63

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