The House of the National Assembly is one of the monumental buildings in Belgrade/Dom Narodne skupštine je jedna od monumentalnih zgrada u Beogradu

The area on which the building is occupies about half a hectare and is covered with greenery, and in the part to the Vlajkovićeva street there is a small park. In the immediate vicinity of the House there are significant state institutions - the New Palace (the Presidency of the Republic) and the Old Court (Assembly of the City of Belgrade), the building of the Historical Museum of Serbia, the Main Post Office and the Pioneer Park. Together with these buildings, the House of the National Assembly makes a unique architectural and functional whole.

Područje na kome se zgrada nalazi zauzima oko pola hektara i pokrivena je zelenilom, a u delu Vlajkovićeve ulice nalazi se mali park. U neposrednoj blizini Doma postoje značajne državne institucije - Novi dvor (Predsedništvo Republike) i Stari grad (Skupština grada Beograda), zgrada Istorijskog muzeja Srbije, Glavna pošta i Pionirski park. Zajedno sa ovim zgradama, Dom Narodne skupštine čini jedinstvenu arhitektonsku i funkcionalnu celinu.




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