
Image source; tech's unintended effect


Many obviously knows mark Zuckerberg but hardly knows this genius Chamath Palihapitiya who was back stage pulling the string, born in Sri-lanka of a humble beginning, (his amazing rise from family troubles to being one of the most brilliant capitalist of modern time, says is an amazing story. His twitter profile says it all

"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win."

For a man who was just a mechanical engineer after leaving the University of Waterloo in 1999, his Career as a programmer in the then very young facebook (which he joined in 2007) played an important role to the rise facebook had, but this man wasn't to be tied working for facebook because he had a unique mindset of true capitalism which he considered better than being strapped to an office writing codes and building Zuckerberg's dreams. No instead he had invested in places like Palantir, obviously he left facebook to interprete his brilliant, unique but queer idea of capitalism by starting up his dream business which he called "Social Capital" in 2015, he focused on investing in many area of commerce expecially technology which he considered to be the angle to invest or empower people who are focused on technological business venture.

He was obviously criticized for selecting an area of investment commerce quite strange to his fellow businessmen because investing in the areas he concentrated on was a strang water and when he started he didn't get so many interest in his business (the fund) expect for just a few person who saw difference and prospect in his idea of capitalistic endeavours. (to me this shows that people want proof of futuristic success in your business proposals before they can invest in you)

Even while running his business (the fund) Chamath obviously invested in other ventures and wondered why businesses ignores certain kind of genders, certain kinds of people, he obviously explored the prospects which other capitalist considered a "pothole" and he dived into them, he obviously didn't have enough money when he left facebook to build his social venture (the fund, which has obviously given out fund to people to build their capitalist ventures) but In 2015 he wrote a publication asking venture capitalist to "recapture our potential and open doors" he characterized investing in many things as the modern kind of capitalism which venture capitalism should focus on and as queer it sound Chamath invested in so many mundane flings which is not a property of a capitalist whose main aim was to make money however today he's currently worth USD1.2 BILLION

A lesson I learnt from Chamath's life is that "A prospect should not be considered dead if other capitalist considers it dead, it could be a gold mine, he obviously failed investing a lot in many things but believe me his main venture, THE FUND isn't the 100% reason why he's amongst the world billionaires. He share a view in communal growth rather than individualistic growth and that was why he once stated that he wished facebook has attained less individualistic growth but influenced life more on more than societal communal capacities, but also empowering people to be financially free of which was his main agenda for "THE FUND"

The main reason why we should following him today, is that he's an angel investors who pays attention to businesses at an early stage with prospects too small to raise capital or get a loan from a normal fiat banking system because of their inabilities to raise collateral and obviously these qualities have been spotted by @nathanmars, he could well be one of the men to brings our steem dream come to pass expecially the (7 MILLION SP) prospect that could break the record for the most successful venture into steem, steemit and cryptocurrency in general. He obviously knows how business dream that have the potential capacity die as a result of the fact that they don't have single funding and couldn't generate crowd funding or Capital funding because of lack of physical proof to soar, give it up for CHAMATH PALIHAPITIYA, a lover of poker, an all round investor, a true modern capitalist and an angel investor.

@JOSEDICCUS twitter's STEEM ambassador/your daily hustlers

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