LimonX is a Cryptocurrency that you can buy, sell or exchange on the open market. The coin has been trading since 08/04/2019 and it uses the symbol LMXC. We include a variety of resources on this cryptocurrency, including how you can buy, sell and exchange it with others. Of course, you can always visit the website or social links included below. Get additional details about LimonX below.
What type of algorithm does LMXC, LimonX use?:
This coin uses a less popular hashing algorithm than similar cryptocurrencies. LimonX uses a known Proof System. LimonX, more specifically, uses Proof of Stake. Proof of Stake is used in under forty percent of all cryptocurrencies. This combination is fairly unique.
LMXC Price:
LimonX has changed in price by 0 in the last 90 days. This represents a 0.00 percent move in the price of LMXC.
While LimonX coin price continues to change, so to does the market capitalization of the coin. At this moment the market cap is a product of the current price of $ USD and a total coin supply of 13100000.
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LMXC (soon)Trade it, Stake it. Coming Soon..
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