Cleaning And Grinding - Carpet cleaning and crashing prices

Cleaning And Grinding


OMG! What a day I've had. I had to get up bright and early to get my place ready for the professional carpet cleaner who, as promised, showed up at 8am sharp. It would have been fine, had I not been up very late last night burning the post midnight oil.

Basically, for the first two and half hours of the morning, I was subjected to the loudest noise I've experienced since the airport tarmac on my last flight out of the country. Bloody hell, those carpet cleaning machines are loud! I had to put on my noise cancelling headphones, albeit with no music, to hear myself think.

I was oddly reassured by the loudness of the machine since, in my head, it equated to the power the thing was putting out. Let me tell you, my carpet needs such power. Don't get me wrong, I vacuum regularly but the rate dust and fluff settles these days, I'm finding it hard to keep up with. I originally considered purchasing a carpet cleaner, which would have cost me roughly the same as hiring an expert, but I weighted the pros and cons, and the pros (of hiring a pro won out). Pun intended, I think.


I don't know if I'm pleased or not. The carpet looks a lot better than before, which is easily achieved. Judging by the colour of the waste water, kilograms of dust have been sucked out from inside, and under, the carpet. The place smells remarkably better too. Finally, I got a pretty good deal for the cleaning and there's no way I'd have done this kind of job myself.

Having said that, I now have developed a tight hamstring due to how much work I had to do to move large furniture about the house to clear the space for the cleaning. I'm having to sit down most of the time since standing up for longer than ten minutes is a painful ordeal. I know this will blow over soon, as I already feel better, but the constant nagging annoyance is there. It also preventing me on going on my daily walk today, which made me a little grumpy.

I also totally forgot to look at the market. There is this coin I've been watching, and looking to get in if there was to be a dip. I didn't have any limit orders placed because I didn't want to catch a falling knife, so to say, but I am interested in the project. It's to do with activity. I think activity tokens are going to be red hot in the next bull market. Users of Actifit can look forward to a nice payout in the next couple of years. Anyhow, the big dip happened today, while I was moving furniture, but bounced right back to previous values. I missed it. Oh well. Next time.

The macro environment is so volatile right now. It looks like the wind of change is blowing on the situation in Russia/Ukraine. Wouldn't it be nice if that war ended before winter? That would really change things for us here. I'm sure the financial markets will respond in a big way if that happened.

Anyway, I'm just settling down now for another night of work. I have a lot to get done and I'm grinding through it one step at a time. I'm somewhat glad we're in a bear market. That's when I have so much focus (and time) to build. The next bull market is doing to be great. May we all be here to witness it.

Peace & Love,


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