Soviet Anti-propaganda Lost to us with the USSR has been Discovered

The Secret and Explicit Goals and Deeds of the Zionists has been discovered in some dusty vault and finally released to the public. I am learning much from it, to my surprise. I am being enlightened as to understanding that underlay policies of the USSR, and of the US and the West towards it, first of all. However, this is from having watched less than 10% of the hour and a half runtime. While I can't speak to the rest as I haven't yet seen it, what I have seen has been informative enough that I think it's valuable to any that take the time to learn from it. Even if it turns to crap the informed exposition of the first 15 minutes is valuable enough.

IMG source -

Lately I have been challenged in discussions of my views, and just libeled and derided by Zionists outright. I weary of the laborious disputations that either must bring others up to speed on what I have learned - which has taken me a lifetime of errors and accidents to apprise me of - or, in such cases where Zionists have been indoctrinated from birth and cannot be reasonable, must be countered in their fallacious claims to set the record straight. At least those that stoop to libelous ad hominems can simply be ignored where they don't intrude on my felicitous enjoyment of my fortune and freedom, and need only discouragement from disturbing my peace when they do. I think that all those that suspect my views are mistaken regarding polities central to current events will profit from seeing the linked content. In fact, I suspect everyone will.

Even the first ~15 minutes has been eye-opening for me, and I have, as I said, been learning from my mistakes for more than 50 years on these matters. The whole video I expect to be very beneficial and informative for me, that had I seen and understood it decades ago I might have escaped much sorrow and suffering I have instead endured. In the interests of your own felicity I commend it to you, that you might benefit from it as I believe I would have, had I only known of it.


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