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If you Die, It's Your Fault

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In order to ensure free society survives pandemic, in view of the obvious incompetence or malice of extant governance by institutions, those of us that intend to speak and act freely must secure those abilities. Government isn't.

Months of delays have prevented nominal SARS2 testing, and this is because we as individuals do not have available the means of testing environmental hazards. Additional hazards besides pandemic are also harming us because government is incapable of acting to control any of them, and this due to unpreventable corruption.

The absolutely corrupt seek absolute power, and will do absolutely everything necessary to get it, no matter what the cost, without limitation or reservation of any kind whatsoever. We observe today that process ongoing as the existential threat of disease causes utter dependence of individuals incapable of securing their own survival.

The technology exists to enable individuals to secure their survival against this and every threat. No one is required to depend on any other, nor any group, for their survival, neither lawfully or otherwise. If you don't seize the technology to enable yourself to determine the quality and quantity of hazard you face you are limited in your ability to act to secure your life. No one but you has any responsibility to secure your life in actual fact. You alone will suffer the consequence if you fail to do so.

Since portable and inexpensive PCR devices currently exist, around the cost of a lunch out with company, the only reason individuals are not in possession of this class of device is that it is not understood. Rational consideration is not a product of the Prussian Education system, which is the model used to induct Western civilians into the extant polities of the West, and spreading globally.

A minor part of society has become variably aware of their induction into what amounts to a cult of statism, and fewer yet seek to gain some rationally designed mechanism to effect policy. As a result, no effective alternative to centrally mandated indoctrination exists, and the vast majority of civilians in the West are generally dependable supporters of the banksters preying on them without scruple.

You are going to have to secure yourself, your family, and your community from rapacious predators now moving to seize ownership of your persons, using pandemic threat to justify subjugation of individuals without appeal to 'civil authorities'. If they want to inject you with anything at all, they will be legally authorized, and you will have no appeal to any authority higher than beat cops and anyone claiming to be a nurse.

While portable PCR can enable you to test for SARS2 as well as any lab, limited only by the quality of your equipment and ability to use it (both of which depend on your education regarding SARS2, which no one is going to give you. If you want to understand what you need to test, why you need to test for it, and how to do that, you're going to have to find out for yourself), it does not resolve the issue of medical martial law and the reduction of humanity to property of banksters.

It is how the excuse to invoke martial law to claim humanity as property was created, but not the martial law itself. To secure yourself from tyranny, the cure has long been mandated by law in the United States of America, and echoed in the words of those that seized governance from Kings claiming Divine Rights to rule, and that claim is not different today because it is instead banksters using corrupt power over democracies to reduce people to possessions.

The reality of the lawful possession of individuals is that their possession of themselves is inseverable. No application of force or technological imposition of external control of the thoughts and actions of the individual are superior or supersede the possession of the individual of themselves, and no matter how or how well such external control is applied, the personal possession of oneself is superior at law.

External force exists, and the reduction of persons to property is commonly effected, whether via arrest and incarceration, or sending someone to their room without supper, force can limit the freedom of action individuals are able to effect. I anticipate this same degree of interference in our physical actions to soon affect our ability to think. In neither case, despite actual reduction of persons to property, is such force lawful, unless it is undertaken to defend against criminal harm the affected person is inflicting.

Clearly, criminals do not limit the application of force to what is just and lawful, and in fact the universal reduction of all people is being undertaken today through the absurd claim it is necessary to us.

Instead, what is true is that if you do not undertake to be free by your own hand, your enemies will enslave you.

If there are hazards in your environment, pathogens, harmful chemicals, physical violence, or any potential negative influence on you, you are responsible to prevent it from harming you. You are responsible for your care. You have the authority to act, as we have previously established, and you therefore have the responsibility to act as necessary to live.

If pathogens might sicken you, you should keep from being infected. PPE exists, and portable PCR machines exist, and the reagants and protocols that enable you to test for the presence of SARS2 in a sample is publicly available. I have published information on the protocols in use and specific machines that are able to perform the test necessary myself.

Are you the possession of banksters and thus only able to be tested, by force if you refuse, or are you a free person who has the responsibility to test? You are the person who decides. You will live and die. Whether you die free is up to you. Whether you die is not.

This same choice resolves any other issue regarding force over you. Where you stand, how you dress, what you say and who you say it to, are amongst the things other people claim to be able to force you to do lawfully. If you agree, you agree you are their property.

If you do not agree there is any lawful right to force you to do anything then you are free to decide as you will what you will wear, where you will wear it, who you will speak to and when you will speak what you will.

If you don't want someone to inject something into you, you will have to physically prevent them from doing so. Your enemies have claimed you are their possession, and that they can put things in your body at will.

It doesn't matter if you like it. It doesn't matter if you say it isn't true. What matters is whether you control what is in you or not.

Saying 'It doesn't work like that.' does not prevent it from working exactly like that. If you intend to keep it from working like that, you will have to undertake necessary actions besides speaking.

Freedom isn't free, and no one gave it to you, or ever will. You are either free and act as you will, or you are a possession. You are actually both. Note your pets have degrees of freedom, despite being your possession.

Detecting hazards in your environment, such as endocrine disrupting chemicals in your water, pathogens in your neighbors spit, or bullets flying through your walls, is your responsibility, and specifically includes slavers seeking to possess you as property. Preventing those hazards from harming you is too. The authority to do what is necessary to live is the primary law over all other claims, so actions such as learning enough to run a PCR machine to do SARS2 tests, possessing the device, or buying such service, is lawful.

So is shooting people seeking to enslave you. This is not a moot point. Technology exists and is being implemented to inject tracking devices into all individuals through governments. The pharmaceutical companies and political forces seeking to implement mandatory vaccination will use that to also inject tracking devices, according to information publicly available today.

Regardless of what individuals are told is in injections, whether vaccines or otherwise, research has shown that all sorts of things are injected into us. Italy recently showed that vaccinations there were full of unidentifiable nanoparticles, amongst other things not revealed by anyone to subjects injected, such as human DNA, toxic metals and chemicals, and pathogens other than the actual vaccination target.

It is clearly possible to inject DNA into people that alters them. Injecting human DNA and unidentifiable crap into people is common practice now, with voluntary injections. Making those injection involuntary will not curtail inclusion of human DNA, nanoparticles of any purpose conceivable, or anything else.

Bill Gates has an extensive background in software, which is just code, and DNA as code is the cutting edge of genetic engineering today. I note it is highly likely that Bill Gates understands DNA as code far more than he has publicly discussed, and he now seeks to be in charge of what is injected into every human being on Earth by force.

I strongly recommend taking action to prevent being injected with anything Bill Gates wants to inject into you, and to particularly completely understand specifically what he does want to inject into you. I am confident that the specific things he wants to inject into you aren't vaccines, but that he is lying to you and talking about vaccines so that he can inject what he wants to inject into you when the vaccine is.

It's time we face the fact that we are being enslaved, and to act to prevent it. Individuals cannot wage wars. Therefore, given the immense force the enemies of free people have deployed against us, it is necessary that we work together to undertake the necessary actions to keep us free.

This includes gaining the necessary understanding of biology to have a competent working knowledge of vaccines, PCR, and SARS2 at a minimum, because those are the hazards and means to defend against them that we face now.

If we do not have these abilities and devices, we will be reduced to property by those that do. You can't delegate this to anyone you know. You don't know anyone with that knowledge today.

This includes your doctor, who probably doesn't even think about the fact that this pandemic is being used to enslave humanity to banksters. Your doctor may have no idea what is actually in any injection they give you, whether they say they do or not.

Do you ask?

Do you intend to be reduced to property by being injected with DNA Bill Gates has designed?

I am sure most everyone understands DNA is the code that designs how the person is shaped, what all the cells do, and the chemical stuff going on. I reckon almost everyone grasps that they think because of how their brain works, although we don't know that much about how the brain works.

It is common knowledge that our DNA controls our thoughts by determining how our brain is made and what it does.

I am absolutely confident that no sane person wants Bill Gates to control how their DNA creates and makes their brain act.

I have little doubt that Bill Gates seeks to do exactly that, and will probably gain that power over many millions of victims in addition to the countries like China that already have mandatory vaccination laws, such as I hear Denmark has recently passed.

Either gain the ability to ascertain what is in anything that is injected into you, or risk having DNA that can fuck with your mind injected, every time you get injected. Alternatively, prevent things being injected into you. Do not neglect force or covert possibilities, because people have been injected without their knowledge before. Whether you like it or not, this is the reality you live in.

Anyone that has suggestions regarding gaining the necessary devices and expertise requisite to being free, and not the possession of those with them, do please comment.

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