Dr. Robert Malone - NIAID Must Be Shut Down

Dr. Malone has long countered the psyop the Covid19 plandemic is by publishing information that the enemedia censors. He has suffered the many slings and barbs of censure, and has refused to back down, because he is certain what he publishes is true. We don't agree on everything because no one agrees on everything and he is a Statist, but I very much agree with many of his opinions based on facts that have been censored.

IMG source - Researchgate.net

I have long averred that censorship is an existential threat, and our circumstances are akin to an audience in a theater on fire in which people are prevented from shouting 'Fire!'. We have long lived in a high trust society that has been captured by traitors that lie incessantly, and since we have long thought we were able to trust governmental bureaucrats, we do not expect them to be lying in order to destroy us and America. However, that is what has happened and that is what they are doing, so more and more Americans are reluctantly coming to the factual conclusion that we no longer live in a high trust society and must defend ourselves from lying traitors trying to kill us and take our stuff, particularly our freedom and free country.

His email today calls for the NIAID to be defunded and shut down, for very material reasons. For example NIAID has funded GOF research that is a threat to Americans in the event of escape, and have lied to Congress over and over about it.

"This documents that, in the case of NIAID, we have an institute that finds it acceptable to lie and obfuscate to Congress, and so far, there is no accountability other than more Congressional investigations. All of this reeks of an institutional culture of chronic arrogance, entitlement, and disregard for fundamental biohazard safety considerations."

I absolutely agree. There is every reason to cease funding that operation and further, to charge and prosecute the traitors undertaking it, because they clearly are endangering Americans, rather than protecting us.

"NIAID, via Eco Health Alliance, clearly funded the creation of SARS-CoV-2-WIV. They are at least partially responsible for the millions of deaths that this genetically modified virus caused. NIAID has been involved in gain-of-function work with influenza that was so dangerous that it triggered the Obama administration to put a hold on gain-of-function research, which was lifted under Trump.

"NIAID also funded H5N1 (avian influenza) gain of function research, which led to the moratorium on GOF research under the Obama administration.

"NIAID is out of control. With a budget of 6.1 billion, it controls a vast empire for which there is no accountability and which actively stonewalls congressional oversight attempts.

"NIAID has repeatedly failed to put Americans' safety first and foremost. NIAID has failed to put the safety of the citizens of the world first and foremost.

"I am calling for a complete shutdown of NIAID."

Americans should contact their representatives and direct them to do this. Once this has been done, we can seek charges and prosecute the evil bastards that have executed the plandemic on behalf of the NWO that is conquering the world to kill us all and take our stuff. They are nothing but vile, murderous robbers, and our survival depends on ending their careers of criminal theft by fraud, which can probably only be achieved by hanging them by the neck until they're dead.

I'm in favor of our survival as free people, and doing whatever it takes to make that happen. I see no signs that the NWO is ceasing it's conquest of Earth, and every indication is showing that is a credible threat they are succeeding at achieving. Merely killing them is too kind, but I'll settle for kindness as long as we survive and civilization continues to bless us and our posterity.

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