How Much Do Looks Matter?

Note: After asking for your opinion regarding shorter content in my last post, I've reduced my posting frequency on my @traf account from about 5-8 a day to 3 or less. I hope people find this acceptable.

How Much Do Looks Matter?

A friend of mine use to tell me I have a tendency to judge people by their looks rather than their personality or intelligence or integrity or something; I dunno, I wasn't really paying attention because she wasn't that attractive. Perhaps you're a believer of the old adage 'it's not the looks but what's on the inside that counts'. Well, unless you mean the inside of one's wallet, I'm afraid looks do matter, and they matter a lot. Good looks bring a lot of advantages, in fact, I've heard some people are so good looking they get to have sex for free!

Not convinced? Here's a short list of privileges that research have shown to be enjoyed by attractive people. As always, whether or not something made my list is partially based on how interesting I found the fact to be, but mostly determined by my ability to come up with a joke on the subject matter.

Admit it, you instinctively swiped right didn't you?

Advantages Enjoyed by Attractive People

  • Annoyingly, research shows that attractive people are seen as more trustworthy, more intelligent, more healthy and even more attractive than less attractive people. Well that sucks, not only do I have a greater need to drug my future mates, they're likely to be more suspicious of me doing it too!

  • Scientist theorize attractive children are more likely to be healthier which partially explains why parents instinctively give more attention to attractive children than their less attractive counterparts. I wouldn't say my brother is any more attractive than me, but dad certainly favored him growing up, probably because he didn't resemble the postman as much as I did.

  • Attractive men are less likely to be found guilty in criminal proceedings by judges and members of the jury. However, this sort of balances out because if convicted, they're more likely to have trouble holding onto their soap in the prison showers.

  • A study has found that even very young children prefer to play with kids who were more attractive. The same group of researchers are now exploring whether this also holds true for Catholic priests.

Yeah, I had to be pretty careful googling for pictures like this one, so I did it on my brother's laptop just in case...

  • Teachers give preferential treatment to more attractive students. Well, the reciprocal is certainly true as well; I mean who didn't fantasize about hooking up with their hot arts teacher? Aside from kids who are home schooled of course; I'm guessing they probably wouldn't unless they're from the south.

  • Attractive women are 36% chance more likely to land a job than those who are less attractive but equally qualified. That's so unfair: I knew I was just as good a pole dancer as Candi!

  • Similarly, attractive men are paid more on average, which is pretty unfair if you think about it, because they're also the ones who are more likely to get a discount at the brothel than the rest of us.

  • It'll come as no surprise then, that being attractive helps political candidates win over voters. Which must then imply that the only thing that can adequately compensate for being born with a face like an orangutan's scrotum is having tiny fucking hands.

So there you have it, pretty much from the moment of birth, attractive people get everything they want. On a related note, Scarlett Johansson would love it if you upvote this post right now.

How about you? Do looks matter to you? As for me, I don't really care either way, I find most girls to be equally susceptible to roofies regardless of how they look.

8 Scientifically Proven Reasons Life's Better If You're Beautiful
15 Shocking Facts About Being Attractive
Unfair Advantages of Being Attractive

Images from pexels

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