Lessons I learned from my Mother Hen (Learn from Animals 2)


We have more to learn from animals than animals have to learn from us- Anthony Douglas

Hello, steemians. Welcome to another edition of "learn from Animals." This post is a sequel to the first post where I listed the reasons you should learn from animals using pictures. I also indicate certain features animal possess that emphasize the reason for us to learn from them using pictures also.

As I said, my mother hen just hatched her chicks. She laid the eggs in our generator house because she is on free-range, so i did not move her from there to avoid any problem during hatching. I also did not take a picture of her during those periods, thus disturbing her.

However she taught me some things through her way of life. Don't be too proud not to learn from her because she is an animal.

Hear this:

Anything you do not know, is above you

Lessons i learned from mother hen.

These are just few of them


  • Focus: My hen sat on her eggs for 21 days with no wavering attention. She was focused on her goal which is to turn those eggs into chicks. Likewise, we to must be focused on our goal, no matter the number of days. If we concentrate on these targets, achievement is inevitable. She had to discipline herself by restricting her movement during the 21 days just to achieve her aim; which indicates that discipline is a subset of focus. Hence, we also must embrace the spirit of discipline if we are to reach our goals.

  • Sacrifice: I noticed during the 21 days she lost weight due to her restricted movement translating into decreased feeding. All this because of her aim "to turn the eggs into chicks."

Let me ask you this question.

What are you willing to do to achieve that goal of yours?

The journey to goal accomplishment has a nitro booster called sacrifices. Every great man on this earth are people of sacrifices. If you don't step out of your comfort zone, you won't achieve anything in life.

Greatness only answers to men of sacrifice.

Sacrifice is the mother of self-denial.

You need to deny yourself the pleasure of some things to achieve greatness.

Pay the sacrifice.


  • Challenges are normal: Despite sitting on the eggs for 21 days, some did not hatch to chicks as you can see in the picture above, but she moved and took care of those that hatched. That is to tell you not everything will go as expected. Life is full of challenges. You need to let go of some things and embrace that which you have. The primary attitude you should cultivate is not giving up.
  • Love: After hatching the eggs to chicks, you dare not touch her chicks as they are so precious to her. Likewise, we should learn to protect the ones we love from dangers of any kind such as emotional threats like suicide. Encourage and love them. We exist for each other.


Learn from the animals.

I hope you do learn from this post.

Thanks for reading.

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