Men Must Mentor Boys


All men should teach younger men what they know and have learned in life. Pass on your knowledge and let the younger generation carry the torch, so they can surpass you and continue to build a better world. There is not enough mentorship for boys (outside of sports). Male mentorship is in dire need in the arts, particularly. Otherwise, mentorship is left to the SJW femcels at public schools who teach these boys how to be "men."

All men should pass down their wisdom to any younger male. There is no age limit. Mentorship should not be exclusive to boys. A thirty-year-old can learn a lot from a fifty-year-old. A twenty from a thirty. A teen from all of the above.

Men mentoring boys has been tarnished by the hysteria of pedophilia and sexual abuse—which exists and is terrible, though the threat is probably overstated. We cannot let the bad apples ruin the bunch. Boys will suffer from not having male mentors. The progressive left wants to exaggerate the threat of pedos and separate men from boys, to not allow this masculine mentorship to happen—because that is how men are made. Real men who will not buy into the emasculated progressive culture they are trying to manufacture.

A father can and should do some part of this mentorship to his son, but a father can only do so much. Each father has limited knowledge and experience, and certain things can only be learned from someone outside of the family. Boys need other male mentor voices in addition to their fathers.

Regrettably, I never had this myself—an older male mentor to take me under his wing in my field—though I wish I had. But that is no reason for me not to do it for others. Men must be the mentors they wish they had.

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