Frank Bacon Made Me Do It - Part 7


My eyes slowly peel open as I discover I am sitting on Frank's ship. You can't really walk around on the ship, it's like an airplane, there is a round isle, a few seats and all sorts of strange devices everywhere that I'm sure have some kind of functionality to them. It's familiar, yet foreign as shit.

I can't talk with this gag in my mouth, it's not even a gag, it's a sock, my sock, which I've been wearing for days, I can taste the puddle I stepped in two days ago. It's gross and makes me want to throw up, but I would choke on my own vomit and die most likely so I will try and stay calm and not panic.

Looking around I don't see Frank, he usually sits in the seat next to me, except when he flies. I noticed that the restraints on me are a little lose, I'm not even sure why I'm tied up, it's not like I'm going to escape a flying saucer in flight. Just open a door and jump, I'm not suicidal, besides, I don't even know how to open the doors.

Where are we even flying? I have no idea where we go or what Frank even does when we get there, he's never let me get off the ship. I feel like he doesn't even care about what I think. He just does his thing and takes me along for the ride. How did I end up in this situation?


Soon, another human like creature walks into the section I'm in. He stands in front of me and follows his eyes with mine, after a short study of me, he holds out his fist towards my chest, turns his hand slowly up, opens his fingers to reveal some pills. Thank Jesus, these are the Frank pills, the ones I sometimes feel guilty taking, they're just too good to pass up, now this freak before me is feeding them to me and I'm not complaining.

The creature pulls the sock from my mouth and shoves the pills down my throat holding his hand there until I swallow them. As if I am going to fucking waste them, clearly he underestimates my addiction. A few moments later he slaps me hard across the face and shoves the sock back in my mouth. Fuck this guy, only Frank is allowed to treat me like this.


@frankbacon @frankbacon @frankbacon


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