Be Alone & Get To Know You

Be alone and find out who you really are. 🌎 - No TV

  • No Video games
  • No Music
  • No Weed
  • No Alcohol
  • No woman/man
  • No hanging out
  • Selective Friends (see them once a week or once a month)

Of course this experiment will depend on how mature you are so I'll give it an age. If you're above 25 years old, Try this for 3 months. 1 quarter of a year. Put yourself in 90 days probation like they do when they hire you to see if you qualify. It's not easy, and of course nobody will withstand it. If you can't even think about it, then you already know who you are. If you do it, you will discover things about yourself that you've never imagined that will change your life. In the way you behave, and in the things that you believe in.

You will start to understand more and more at the sametime people will start to misunderstand you. But a few selective people will notice you, a few will share the same thoughts as you. .

Be alone with your thoughts, write them down and visualize it. Talk to yourself, ask yourself questions and answer yourself. If you really want a "New year. New me" try this experiment for 3 months. I promise you that it will change your life and perspective forever and will stop caring about what people say or think. If you can't do it, then you already know where you stand and the best you can do is to stop complaining or criticizing others that are seeking for another alternative way of growth.
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