Gizmo, My Precious Lil Furball, Passed Away Last Night :(

I've had so many people come and go,
but there was always my lil Mr. Mose.

I was heartbroken this morning when I found my cat, Gizmo, has passed away in his sleep last night. He had so many nicknames including, Mr. Mose, Cheesecake, Cheesums...and yet...sometimes even 'shit head.' But I have absolutely loved this little guy since I first got him over 10 years ago.

I'm sure many of you knew how much I loved him as he was the model at the end of so many of my posts as the 'Obligatory Kitty Pic' as well as having entire posts based on him like this one.


While he wasn't the youngest of cats (16) he was starting to get up there...but it seemed so sudden. Just last week he was his normal peppy and loving self. Today is going to be absolutely brutal, especially seeing you in this state.


I'll always remember the way you would greet me at the door when I came home, softly paw (no claws) at my nose to wake me up, give the little 'mews' like only you could. You've been fantastic companion to me over these years with your love, personality and general fun! It's hard to fully grasp right now that this has come to an end.

I'll always remember and cherish the time we've had,
and you'll always be my sweet lil guy!
I'm going to miss you Mr. Mose!
You've been my rock!

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