Eye Candy and Being Julian Assange

It's been an incredible week. There's more to come. But first, some eye candy.


My recent article 'Being Julian Assange' has been really well received. I am deeply grateful to everyone who has read it, shared it, and messaged me about it. Thank you all.

I've done some recent interviews and press events about it which I thought you might be interested to see.

I appeared with the awesome @leecamp on his show Redacted Tonight. It was my first ever in-studio interview and I learned a lot and we even talked about Steemit on-air and explained to people why it is so good!

Read Lee's original Steemit post about the interview here.

I also appeared on H.A. Goodman to discuss the article. The discussion was excellent and my favourite interview to date.

Then I appeared alongside Kim Dotcom and @elizbethleavos in a huge, live Q+A event last Friday night/Saturday morning depending on your time zone. It was a rip-roaring success.

Someone very cleverly cut some of Kim's commentary from our event into the following video clip, which is ricocheting around the internet:

Now, deer Steemians, I wanted to make sure that you all know that I have not forgotten that I promised to post the article to Steemit. So this is my plan, and I will embark on it very soon:


Also a quick update re Jeremy Hammond - as promised, I converted the 28.46SBD made on my post about him into Bitcoin, and deposited it to his account. Remember that you too can donate to support him here. Thank you!


By Suzie Dawson

Twitter: @Suzi3D

Official Website: Suzi3d.com


Journalists who write truth pay a high price to do so. If you respect and value this work, please consider supporting Suzie’s efforts via credit card or Bitcoin donation at this link. Thank you!

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