The way we (especially ladies) are going about having the perfect look these days is so SCARY. I get to watch some TV shows about having the perfect look and I wonder why we have to go through this much pain just to attain it. 


For example, getting a plastic surgery to have the perfect body shape, perfect nose, perfect lips, perfect whatever. Sometimes, those surgery goes wrong and you have to keep going through the pain of the surgery just to look perfect. 


Another example, apart from surgery is the tedious process of how people get to burn fat, get more muscular and so on. Some people have to starve themselves all because of this; Some even get to use this "body magic" thing just to attain a flat tummy without considering the damage that stuff (body magic) might cause them. You can hardly breath not to talk of eat properly when wearing it.

Furthermore, these days, you go into a salon and you see a lady screaming. Why? Because the hair she's making is painful or maybe the relaxer she's using is burning her scalp or the dryer is too hot or the stylist is using hot water on her braids.

Also, sometimes, you go to a party and you see some ladies walking like ducks all because their shoe is hurting. Who wore the shoe for you? Is it by force to wear high heels? Lol. The ones who cannot  endure the pain from the shoe would go with an extra flat slippers to avoid having blisters. 

All these pain we go through is just to look pretty. And it simply explain the fact that PRETTY HURTS. As a matter of fact, nothing good comes easy but it's good we know our limits when aspiring for the perfect look. Your life and health shouldn't be at risk all because you want to look perfect. We can learn a few lessons from Stella Obasanjo (of blessed memory).


Let's be moderate in whatever we do. Whoever will love you will love you just the way you are. Fat, Slim, big tummy, flat nose, pointed nose, big teeth, tiny lips, tall, short. We are all beautiful and we shouldn't think less of ourselves. 

This writeup was inspired by Beyonce's song "pretty hurts"

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