Since I'm always reasearching random things I decided to share 10 weird and random facts that I personally found interesting.
Fact #1: Scottland's national animal is the mystical creature known as the UNICORN.
Fact #2: Cheetahs are able to change directions in mid air as they are hunting for prey.
Fact #3: Actress, Betty White, can literally say that she is older than slice bread.
Fact #4: No one can hum while holding their nose.
Fact #5: It rains diamonds on the plants Jupiter and Saturn. I can only imagine what hail lools like there.
Fact #6: Have you ever wondered what the little dot over the i is called? Well it's called a tittle or a jot.
Fact #7: Children of identical twins are technically half siblings not 1st cousins.
Fact #8: Kangaroos don't hop backwards.
Fact #9: Your tongue is like your fingerprint. Every tongue has it's very own unique tongue print.
Fact #10: Sid is the Cookie Monter's actual name.
I hope you learned a little something new! I certainly know I did!
*All images were found via google.