Everything in Your Life is a Routine? - [ Positive Effects of Leaving the Routine ]


The vast majority of people spend most of their time doing routine things. The routine has become their way of life and they never experience something different. The mind and body do not experience anything other than doing the same thing they do every day: work, eat and sleep.

It is not that working, eating and sleeping is bad, that is something that must be done out of necessity and out of obligation, the bad thing is to be pigeonholed exclusively on that and forget that out there-there is a world and a life vibrating with new experiences and that these are mostly good for the body and the mind.

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It is common to hear couples complaining because they have a relationship where the routine is the common denominator of the relationship. Usually, these couples end up separating with time precisely because of that lifestyle so harmful to marriage; the routine ends up killing love.

But forgetting a bit the part of the relationship, I want to talk more than everything about the life we ​​lead as individuals because if we change individually, our family environment also changes. We have forgotten to experience new sensations and activities, to know new things, maybe it is not necessarily a change of life so drastic, but to try at least to do what we do every day in a different way.

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For example, instead of going by car to work because you do not go on foot, or go for a bicycle ride instead of going in the car, or stop to talk with that neighbor you always say when you pass by your house, such Once you become your best friend or the partner you are looking for for that project you have in mind.

The mere fact of trying to do what you always do but in a different way is already a remarkable change in your life and that makes your mind and body experience new sensations that will, in turn, bring new experiences.


If your habit is to always go to see the baseball game, dare to go to see a football, basketball, a horse race or any other sport that takes you out of the routine of always going to the baseball game. Doing things in a different way stimulates areas of the brain that would probably not be stimulated if you continue to do them in the same way.

For example, you can brush your teeth with the other hand, use more the less predominant arm, dance with your eyes closed even for a moment. Give reasons to your mind and your body to feel new sensations, new feelings.

Trying to get out of your comfort zone also stimulates the brain and an active brain keeps you young. It takes you away from the diseases associated with neurological degeneration. Make up new things that make you change your style or your way of living life, get out of the routine.

You will see that this will also help your loved ones, because if they live with you as for example your children or your partner, they will also be in need of changing their lifestyle to adapt to your new way of life, and that is very healthy for both you and them.

One of the ways that allow us to grow is to dare to experience new things. You already know how you act and feel with the things you normally do routinely. Do everything differently and also learn to know yourself in other facets, maybe you will experience things or sensations that you have never felt before, you will learn to know what your limitations are and what your abilities are from other points of view, from another way of doing things. things.

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This does not mean that the new sensations you experience when doing things in a different way will all be to your liking. Maybe you will say this I did not like it, or what I did was not good enough, or I did not like doing it that way, but I assure you that you can also say: I already lived it and I did not like it ... or to do so is an experience Wonderful, it's something I've never felt or experienced!

Whatever the case, dare to change, to get out of the routine, to experience new things.

After all, you are the most important person in your life. It depends on you to give you new sensations and new experiences that make you know yourself better and live better your own life. Break the routine.

Are you going to allow yourself to get out of the routine? Are you going to experience new things that make you live new experiences and get to know you better?

See you in the next post. Thank you for reading.

All images come from pixabay.com

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