Content that's worth your time

I was having a discussion with @basilsolomon a while ago and as a film student, he was telling me that it was far to often kids would go there and not have seen anything more than pop-culture movies. I feel like it would be an awful crime to be content with fluff media and never go out of your way to view something of a real high caliber. So today, I will pretend I have some insight into the art of film and media and give you some of my favorites of all time (in no order).

  • The (first) Matrix
    I love this film, it was truly one of the first to blow my mind. Not only that but the topics that it discusses are more relevant today than ever before. All wrapped into an excellent action-packed movie. Pretty prolific I feel it needs no summary.

  • Laurence of Arabia
    A strange pick but for some reason I am really drawn to this film. The cinematography is unreal. The characters are great. The story that the film tells if epic. This 216 minute movie is not a waste of your time.

  • Cowboy BeBop and Firefly
    First, Cowboy Bebop is an anime, but it's one of the most gorgeous I've ever seen you can just tell how much love and care was put into it. All the characters are complex and dark but loveable and even as far as space-assassins bebop and his gang live a pretty crazy life. Leading me directly into Firefly.

    Firefly was clearly inspired by Cowboy Bebop and it's setting is strikingly similar but at the same time it's a completely separate tale with different characters. I love both very much and you will sail right through it. They are both far too short. shakes fist

  • Pycho / Vertigo / Rear Window
    Hitchcock is the master of showing and not telling. He is one of the few directors that can just command the audience be on the edge of there seat. If you haven't seen any films by Hitchcock please do yourself a favor and check him out. He is honestly one director that really changed everything.

  • Lord of the Rings
    Don't bother watching the hobbit, skip straight to fellowship. This is a great movie that a lot of people can enjoy and the series is nice and long. Sit down with some friends and share the load

  • Pulp Fiction and fight club
    Neither one of these needs justification but I would say what I enjoy most about them is they have an unreliable narator. You will never see whats coming next with either film. Both films (sorry to repeat) are shot masterfully and you surely won't regret watching them.

  • Seven
    Seven is a thriller about a Serial killer on the run. Brad Pitt & Morgan Freeman really bring it in this one. The dialog is very well written and you really can't beat the tension and the story. The ending of this movie is iconic so please check it out if you haven't ever seen it.

  • Blade Runner / Blade Runner 2049
    Blade runner is fenominal as well (probably sick of me rephrasing this by now). The cinematography in both movies is ahead of it's time. The story is great, the acting is great, the setting is great, every brand in blade runner is now out of business so that's fun to look out for. Overall if you're a techie I would deffinitely recomend you check this one out. The movie brings into question the line between Human Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence. What really is the difference?

  • Spirited Away
    This movie has always been around for me. I first watched it in childhood but it really stands the test of time. Beautiful animations, a heartfelt story, and good characters to bring us through the movie. This is a movie you can watch with your kids or wife on relaxing Sunday evening. This imaginative world has our main character on an adventure to save her parents.

I've run out of writing juice (rather quickly) but I hope you enjoyed my compilation of high-quality media. I stand by this list but I missed many great works. If you have any to add please discuss in the comments. Thanks all, see you next time.

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