Uber is now tracking your drinking habits

It would be nice if Uber applied this technology to their drivers too - to detect if they are cheating on the time clock by driving for another ride share company and hence driving too many hours. I've seen it happen and it's scary dangerous!


IMO this patent is probably cover for a much simpler algorithm - Uber tracks your location all the time. I've you're a rider with previous complaints against you, or you are with others who had them, and you've been bar hopping, clubbing etc. it is quite likely you are three sheets to the wind (pissed, shit faced, blotto). No need for fancy phone physics monitoring. Yeah that might make it more accurate but that kind of thing is easily defeated once you know about it.

That said drunk assholes who throw up in your car or might abuse or assault a driver - wouldn't you just give them one strike and ban them anyway? Unless they start running special UberDrunk cars charging high fees for the perennially pissed.


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