When life throws curveballs and then gives you lemons - Exactly what I needed, Right on Time!

These past few weeks have been a little tough for us. For the second time since we moved here, we were barely getting by. And this time around it was even a little worse than before.
However, there's one huge difference. The last time, I let myself be dragged down into feeling not so great about the whole situation. I wouldn't say that I was depressed, but I was super stressed about it all and didn't seem to be able to see any light at the end of the tunnel. This time was different. How? Keep on reading to find out!



Keep calm at all times

It's not something I didn't know yet. There's no point in worrying about something you can't change.
But sometimes, it's just difficult to stay positive when everything seems to go wrong. In my case, first I lost my main income (job haha), then last week during the heavy rains, our gas didn't come into the house, so I thought the flame must have gone out in the boiler, but nope...no gas. We cook on gas. But I didn't let that get to me. I pulled out my trusted crock pot and did the cooking in that.

Not that there was a lot to cook, but beans and rice or lentils goes perfectly in that.
It just takes a while.
And who knew that you could bake bread in those things as well?
Well, now you know!

Then, because we had a lot of rain, all of a sudden there was water dripping from the ceiling onto the stairs.
I had no idea, and almost slipped and fell...Almost fell. But didn't.
Not only that, but the tank on the roof also seems to leak, because now water just keeps running down, rain or no rain. And due to that, there is now water coming in through the back window.
So I sweep water out of the door 4 times a day.

I'm not letting it get to me.

There's nothing I can do about it now, so why worry about it?
It's all temporary.
I decided to think of it that way.
Nothing lasts, not even water running down the stairs and through the dining room...


My Ship is on its Way!

This ship thing is an inner circle joke. Meaning, my youngest son and I (@thecoolkid).
But I will explain it in short.
My son told me he's going to call his dad, and tell him he should put the house and the land in his name, since he's going to inherit it anyway. LOL. Cheeky little thing. He then wants to sell it all and buy a boat, so we can cruise the world on it, and make money by bringing people on tours. Aside from kicking his father out of his house, I thought it was a brilliant idea. I love boats. I love being on them and on the ocean. So that would be the perfect life for me.
OK, but that's not what this ship thing is about. I just thought I'll throw it in for fun.
I teach my kids to dream big and not let limiting beliefs take over. Hence the anecdote.

So my ship...
Last night I was doing a little bit of catch-up work for the company I translate for. She paid me an advance for Hivefest, so I was just finishing the work for it.
I was about to finish and go to sleep when she asked me if I had time for a phone call.

She had a proposition for me. Since she's now starting to market the game she's developed, she'll need someone to translate her brochures, website, and social media post. So she offered me a part-time job. She wants to give me a little bit of stability.
Now, I have never mentioned anything to her, nor have I ever asked for anything.
The advance she gave me, was coming from her as well, I didn't ask for it.

She must be a mind reader or something. (She is Romanian, so you never know hehe).
Anyway, she asked me to think about it but I told her right away that I'd be more than happy to accept.
I'll be working a lot less than I was before, and no stress, because there aren't any real deadlines other than the social media posts.

I LOVE it!
This opportunity will at least pay my bills. So less worries. I'm starting on the 1st of November.
Can't wait!



So there. From curveballs to lemonade. It just shows that once you don't stress the curveballs, and let the set backs glide off you without too much thought, and even some humor, something will come on your path to save the day.
Now I can work more on my own business too, and get the booking site in order as well.
Faster than I thought.

Great things are coming!

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