Damn Drunk Driver and a Scooter (We are OK!!)


I was very excited about my return to steemit today! We woke up feeling great, the sun was shining, and @briancourteau was in a poetic mood, so he wrote this beautiful poem for me; A poem to my best friend while we fight my cancer; just when I thought I knew what was in his heart, he surprised me with his poetic sentiments. I was going to write a post about our new apartment ... Above is a quick photo of a fraction of our new patio ... it really is an unbelievable place, but....yes, I know, you're all sensing a "but"!

We decided to make a quick run to the store to find a sushi mat because we were going to make sushi later in the afternoon. When we came out of the store, it was pouring rain, so we waited it out a bit and decided when it had slowed down, to just slowly make our way home, because the roads get pretty slippery here after a rain.

On the way, we stopped at our favorite rotisserie chicken take out spot and off we went. By then, the rain had completely stopped, the sun was coming out, but the roads were still slick. Not even one block from the restaurant, a taxi driver decided to make an illegal u-turn, facing the wrong way, and directly in front of us decided to stop. Brian went to go around him, figuring it was safer than slamming on the breaks. Just then, the driver thought it made more sense to back up, and we had no choice ... Brian hit the breaks, I could feel the rear tire slipping, and before we knew it, we were on our sides, sliding towards the taxi.

Thankfully, we weren't yet going that fast, but fast enough to be bruised, swollen and damn sore. A nice man who owned the flower shop saw it all happen, along with a few other shop owners near by. One of them grabbed me a chair, and Brian went to get me water because my leg and foot were skinned, bleeding and swelling, but before I knew it, I'd fainted and smashed my head on the cement lip of the flower shop; my head has a nice throbbing goose egg still and it's looks as though I've been punched in the eye. Brian's groin and hip is killing him, but overall, we'll live to tell this tale again and again.

An hour or so ago, the Tourist Police phoned us to say that the driver had blown over the legal alcohol limit, and they'd accessed the damage at 20,000 pesos , about $1000 US, and that the driver was in jail pending payout. They do work fast here for some things. The officer just said to Brian on the phone, "we are a tourist destination here"; I guess he wanted us to know that we'd be taken care of.

So, once again, I'm writing a post to fill everyone in, but I know I won't be on here tonight, and we'll just have to see how this old bag of bones feels in the morning :)

To all of you who commented on my last post about moving, I'm so so sorry, but I just realized that I totally forgot to reply to your comments! I feel terrible about that kind of thing, but I want you all to know that I read your comments and really appreciated all of your well wishes!! It surprises me still how many of you actually care and comment on the life and times of Brian and I :) <3<3 Thank you ;)

@abh12345, @trudeehunter, @steven-patrick, @merryslamb, @livinguktaiwan, @maxijgcomm, @itravelarts, @tryskele, @amirtheawesome1, @themanwithnoname, @jusipassetti, @crypto-econom1st, @tussar11, @lapb, @coinsandchains, @bashadow, @wolfhart, @simplymike, @trincowski, @gillianpearce, @headchange, @goldendawne, @insideoutlet, @hopfarmnc, @traciyork, @robertandrew, @willymac, @edprivat, @paulag, @roleerob, @delishtreats, @unyimeetuk

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