I am very happy to see my friends happy

Dear steemian fiends :

In our lives there are times when we feel sad when others are sad, but something more special than that is whether we are happy when others are happy. That's a very tough challenge. Is there anyone who is happy with the sadness of others.

This seems to be something extraordinary. But secretly we may have experienced and enjoyed such a thing, though in a veiled form. We watch in sports games, such as boxing games. A person will be happy, will thank God if he succeeds in paralyzing and dropping his friend to the canvas.

Likewise in the game of soccer, the happiness of one team can not be achieved before the other team suffers defeat. So often the happiness is increased if you see the sobs of others. So that I say apart from the competition, apart from the beauty of sport, apart from something fun and nice to watch. Such a sport game is a low spiritual exercise, because one's happiness must be paid for by the suffering of others.

So in our life it must endeavor that our happiness when seeing the happiness of others. It needs a great soul, and many prayers that we pray to Allah SWT. There are times when we do not like when others get something, in other words, if I do not get, others can not get. Maybe we still remember when we played kites when we were kids. If we chase a kite, then the kite must be mine, it must hit me, if it does not hit me, it should not hit anyone else, then I tear, because I do not ridho others get something we do not process. Therefore, feeling happy when others are happy is something that is not easy.

Sometimes the atmosphere will become more difficult, if the one who gets the grace, the blessing, who gets the grace from Allah SWT is what was beneath us. For example, when I went to high school I was friends with someone where my friend did not have a glorious achievement, no merits whatsoever, and we look not too great.

Then one day we met our friend with his glory, higher rank, highly educated children and accomplished wives, with luxury cars and homes. Is our heart happy to see such events? that's a challenge.

Usually we complain, and with the protesting style of complaining to Allah SWT "on what basis he was given like that, I should be given" such feelings present in every human being, that it must be fought. So, in every day we must learn how we feel happy when our brother feels happiness.

One day the Prophet was given by a woman a knitted fabric, this woman said I made this knit for you, so I want you to wear it. Then the Apostle entered and worn with beauty. Then there is a friend who says: beautiful really the cloth you wear ya Rasulullah, suppose you give me how happy my heart. Then the other companions said: Why do you say such to the Messenger of Allah, when the Messenger of Allah had just received a gift from someone, and you also know that the Messenger of Allah never refused when asked for something? Then Rasulullah directly to the back, take off the cloth and wrap it, then give it to the friend who asked earlier. Another friend who is not so happy with what this friend is doing says: You are outrageous !. The friend who asked for the cloth answered actually this cloth is not for me to wear, I do not use this cloth for myself, but I will use as my kafas when I will meet with Allah SWT. Then the cloth was used as a shroud when the friend died. Those are some of the examples that we convey, and as careful as they are we will not have except those who believe in Allah SWT. People who are happy when they see others happy. And this is not easy. We will easily share empathy and sympathy with the suffering of others. When we hear of Merapi volcano disaster, we will be grievous with them, and it will be easy that pain, because we are in a very good situation, we are in a very safe state with no kekuarangan any one. If it is in such conditions then we do not feel empathy, I think this is very dangerous. But do we ridho when seeing others succeed. Do we ridho when I struggle with the very but who was appointed to the leadership even my friend. Do I ridho when, I am trying to earnestly, then who occupy a higher position even my friend.

Even I see that what makes Muslims less successful in the field of politics, management and organization, is not ridho if a friend who so, because that is what he wants. Therefore, in every struggle, do not ever want that I should be so.

On one day when the Prophet was with his companions, the Prophet sat down and said: Sayatlu alaikumul aan rajulun min ahlil jannah (will appear among you the prospective residents of heaven) and the companions wait, it turns out the same person up to three times. So there is a friend who wants to witness his own deeds what this person did so that he called the Messenger of Allah as a resident of heaven. Then he came to the man's house for a few days to investigate and pay attention to what he did about how his worship, how his deeds, how his private life, how he muamalahnya with others, it was all noticed, but all nothing special. The evenings are nothing special either, so it's all mediocre. Finally on the third day this friend said: I wonder you why the Apostle says you are a paradise expert, what is your special deed? this person says: I do not have any special deeds yes as you see this. But this friend is still curious so keep probing.

Then while passing by somebody was talking, I do not know, maybe my good deeds I am happy when my brother is happy, I am happy when others are happy. Then the friend said: this attitude is difficult, that's why you are said to be the prospective occupant of heaven. Because it is difficult when others are happy and then we are happy.




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