Blood Donating Means Saving Human Souls

This paper does not intend to tell about myself as a blood donors.

because honestly I am very afraid of the name of the syringe so until now I am less greget or interested to donate my blood as a manifestation of humanity, on the grounds of fear above that makes me refrain to donate blood but still give appreciation and support to the donors that the drop of blood they give to others is life for them and of course the reward is infinite goodness. As the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) program in the field of blood dhnor mentioned that one of the best known PMI activities is blood donation.

Contributing a portion of the blood to then distributed to the needy becomes a significant contribution in social life in society ( Because the program is always pushing PMI people of Indonesia aged approximately 17-60 years to be able to donate blood to help others. Currently the health of the world is crowded with the many complaints of patients who tend to difficulty and often experience delays because of the difficulty of finding blood due to the demand for blood every day is always booming plus if looking for blood with blood type O will be very difficult to obtain.

This is because the blood group can only accept blood transfusion from class O only. However, this blood direction is referred to as a universal donor because it can transfuse its blood in ABO blood. However, it is different with blood type AB tends to be easier to get blood stock because this blood is called universal recipient that can accept ABO blood type. With this fact, being a government homework includes PMI and all of us to be able to assist PMI in preparing blood needs which of course is very beneficial for all patients who need it. Like what has been done by my friends who always routinely donate their blood with the reason of social responsibility. Also after their blood is donated he feels healthier, besides the healthier one that keeps them interested is they always get a fulus (replacement money) and some cans of milk and other food ingredients which of course in order to provide nutritional replacement after blood is taken.

Actually if we talk donor blood is identified with money would be far from civilized impression, because what is the meaning of money than a self-sacrifice to help the lives of others because there are also donors who donate blood only for money reasons, but there are more noble of money that is helping maintaining the lives of others. Not only to meet the needs of other people's blood, as a result of blood donation, of course, it could be to defend our life when we are experiencing disaster or experiencing symptoms that require surgery. Of course because our illness has to be handled by surgery we indirectly save our own blood, or our family and relatives and not just for others. Even when a donor is willing to donate blood regularly, with the condition that he is healthy and his body is not infected with the virus, it is advisable to donate blood so that the blood circulation in the body becomes stable and the old blood is replaced with new blood, consequently the donor becomes more healthy.

Just imagine if every Indonesian people who have grown for example 100 million from 250 million (World Bank, 8 September 2013) the entire population of Indonesia with each person donate blood about 100 cc then 10 billion cc of blood can we donate in blood banks throughout Indonesia , then automatically there is no longer a patient who lacked or late handling because of difficulty in finding blood. A simple calculation of the availability and need of blood that should be provided by the hospital to avoid patients who have failed surgery or died of blood loss due to insufficient blood stock. If the blood donor program is encouraged regularly voluntarily, of course, many lives of Indonesians can be saved and even spread to other areas in need. The requirements proposed by PMI are - Prospective donors must be aged 17-60 years. - Weight of at least 45 kg. - Blood pressure 100-180 (systole) and 60-100 (diastole). - If interested, prospective donors can take and sign the registration form; then underwent preliminary examination such as weight condition, HB, blood type; and continued with a doctor's examination. - If passed, then blood and blood samples taken. - However, it must be remembered, in order to maintain the health and safety of blood, individuals who among others have conditions such as alcoholics, hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, or high-risk groups get AIDS and experience illness such as fever or influenza; had just pulled her teeth less than three days, had received a transfusion less than a year; so also for those who do not know tattooing, piercing, or acupuncture; pregnant or while breastfeeding for a while can not be a donor What is clear, with we donate blood in addition to earning money, we can also maintain our own body health besides it will also save the lives of others.

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