Stop Having Such High Expectations

We often value and have such high expectations of so many things.
Such as people, Or the things that we want to accomplish. Or simply our experiences.
Sometimes we overplay the small things to the point we do not have time for the more critical aspect of our lives.

Be Realistic

When we are realistic about our time and capabilities, we can quickly accomplish so much more!

Determine YOUR values

We often are so focused on the benefits of others we forget to look at our values.
We need to determine what is valuable to us.

What do you want MOST

Out of life? There is so much to experience, We want to try everything, And explore. But the reality is, We usually can only realistically do a few things in our short lives. Figure out a few things that you want the most and make those things a priority so you can live a happy life. It doesn't mean you can't try the other things, But don't expect it to become such a large part of your life. Having things as hobbies is okay.

The Problem With Expecting Too Much

We often get let down in the long run. When we could have gotten MOST of the things we wanted.
Sometimes it's better to have a smaller list of goals Or a smaller amount of expectations overall.

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