Sadie The Couch Potato


Let me tell you about Sadie. Sadie is one of the most beautiful Scotties I have ever seen...and she paid dearly for that beauty. Her first 2 years of life were spent in a crate too small for her to turn around. She was never allowed out, except to breed. When her little body couldn't take it anymore, her owners decided they could get more money out of her one more time so they decided to sell her as a "pure bred indoor Scottie who doesn't like to go outside or leave her crate."

Sadie got lucky though. She was bought by a woman who was looking to rescue a 3rd dog and happened to see the "for sale" ad for Sadie. She recognized the transparent, snake oil language that greeders use right away. She knew that if Sadie wasn't purchased quickly, she would be taken out back and brutally killed as is customary.


So, off to Amish country this woman went. Which, for many animals, is the equivalent of a living hell on Earth. She fought every instinct to call these people out on their lies, because once she saw this beautiful little dog, that just sat in a filthy crate terrified of EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE sitting there staring at nothing and trembling, she knew all that mattered that day was saving that one puppy.

And she did.

Months later, Sadie is still terrified but not as much. I call her my little potato because most of her is still trapped in that crate. Not moving, just staring ... She doesn't move from the sofa. If she isn't given water and food, she won't eat or drink but when she gets water and food she gorges because she still in the "I don't know when I'll get more drink or food next" mode of survival that is common in enslaved animals.

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She doesn't play like a puppy because she has never learned to be a puppy or a dog for that matter. She has to be a carried out to the back yard, where as soon as you put her on the ground, she bolts and hides behind the biggest potted plant.


She's getting better though. Lola, one of her new sisters, is helping her learn to play, to fight, to dig, to hunt, to run, to bark, to jump, to ask for cuddles and belly scratches. love. Lola will jump on the sofa and nuzzle Sadie and lick her until Sadie cuddles and licks back. Lola will play with Sadie until Sadie plays back...and then they roll around for 30 minutes and it's glorious.

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Sadie has a long way to go...but she's lucky because she has the opportunity to be a puppy and learn to be a dog and spend the rest of her life being content.

Even though Sadie was purchased (ADOPT DON'T SHOP), if Sadie hadn't been bought by her mama, she wouldn't be my little couch potato today.

Every time she flinches, it breaks my heart, but every inch of progress we make gives me hope that all broken things, with enough love and patience, can be healed.

Cheers to love...and doggos ♡ awooooooo

Lola (Scottie or Westie lol ), Penelope (Westie), Sadie (Scottie)



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