Life Is Precious Use It To Inspire Others


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Life is full of ups and downs. You can’t own the victory all the time and always feel the winning moment.

Life is a game. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. But you will never be a winner if you chose not to play the game out of fears. Losing can be approached as a learning moment for I believed that “Learning” is one of the best trophies we can hold up high and be proud of.

This month, I'm very grateful for God has given me another year to continue exploring life and achieve my life's purpose. Life is hard, maybe unfair but that doesn't mean that you can't enjoy it. Developing a positive mindset is the only way to deal with what’s happening in our life.

Here are some of my realizations in my life journey.

Some years ago, I was dealing with my own frustrations. I was thinking,I’m a failure. My expectations to myself weren’t met in my expected time. The word “expectation” is something I’m learning to deal with at the moment. Because of this word, my frustrations to myself was more difficult than it should be.

Life is more difficult when you compare yourself with others.

In the midst of my frustrations, I was focusing on the success of others which made my burden heavier.

“Why is that my classmate from college who wasn’t that active has a regular job now?”

“How come he has achieved now his dream job?”

Why is it everybody is happy and contented with their career except me?

Those were the questions in my mind. Soon I realized that we have different stories. I have no idea what difficulties they needed to overcome just to achieve the success they have right now. I have no idea how many tears and sweat they needed to offer to realize their dreams.

I was being selfish...

I was annoyed by them just because they were successful as if they owe me something. Instead of working with my own success I tried to find reasons why they are not capable of that. So all this time I was being hard to myself because I tried to compare their achievements with mine.

Only Myself Knows What's the Best for Me

People have different standards, they may encourage or discourage you. Stop listening to people all the time rather make your own decisions and don't be afraid.
Always considering other people's point of view takes away your own purpose in living. This will make you so dependent on them and prefer to play safe.

Only myself can tell what’s best for me. Listening to other people means applying their own life experiences to my life which sometimes is misleading. I was thinking that I'm following what is right but no, what I follow are the norms that the society believe. Being unconventional may cause other people to raise their eyebrow but although we are marching towards the same place but bear in mind that we do have a different tune. I'm not saying to close your ears to everyone because there are people close to our hearts that are worth listening.

Treasure Your Family...

If you still have a complete family treasure them because not everybody has it.
Growing up, it was difficult for me to deal with my family. They were strict, they have a different mindset with mine. So when I was still studying, I thought that I couldn’t enjoy life as much as my classmates do. I never experience to spent overnight with my classmates until I graduated from college.

But as I get mature, I slowly realized their intentions behind those “couldn’t moments”.
You are very important to your family. They cherish you so much that they can’t let other people harm you. They won’t take any risk just for you to be safe. So treasure them, love them while they are still there for you because every second is important cherish the present moment with them.

Living in the Present

It's not avoidable that sometimes we tend to be overwhelmed by what's happening in our life. Our daily concerns like our family, finance, job and etc. fill our minds that we forget to enjoy the present moment.

I'm a futuristic kind of person, always thinking about the things I want to be, making plans and scheduling the things I have to do for tomorrow plus the typical problems like relationship and finances. Thus, making my mind felt restless. Even when I'm washing dishes I was still thinking about our office, missing out the present moment I could probably enjoy.

Problems are always there, one thing I learned is that time is the best solution for everything. One day or two "aha moment" will pop out in your mind that could be a solution to one of your problems. I've experienced this many times realizing that the time I spent in thinking of a solution is a time wasted. Why not accept those invitations of your friends? Go out with your family. Or go have a date in this coming valentine's day.

Life is soooo precious! The moment that I wake up every morning thinking I'm alive for another day is something that I'm very very thankful for.
So let's not waste it. Go out today, write your thoughts and post it in steemit. Go and inspire other people.




I would like to give thanks to our mentors @iwrite, @antonette, @purpledaisy57 and @bobiecayao for willingly guiding us in Steemit.


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