Doubt. Negative self-talk.
What qualified me to write comedy.
The only experience I had up to this point was screaming into my phone. Recording 10-second comedy bits on Snapchat.
Or at least I thought they were funny.
Being loud, obnoxious and roasting myself while telling some kind of story. Something that happened. Something I thought about.
Before setting out on this adventure, the adventure of building a YouTube channel around comedy sketches, I had already questioned the longevity of my project.
Would throwing insults around, screaming and making fun of myself be a combination that could produce long-term results. Or how long would it take to bore my audience? People that might not know me in real life. And think I'd always be this idiot.
After debating all of this my courage to even start was obviously at an all-time low.
Yet, here I sit writing my first comedy script.
It's gonna be filmed and put out tomorrow.
At the beginning of this post, I was doubting whether it would happen or not. But by writing about it, fear and doubt vanished. Not completely and probably not forever but this small time high is enough to get started.