In dark moments there's always a little light [ENG] En los momentos oscuros siempre hay un poco de luz [ESP]

In dark moments there's always a little light.png


Good afternoon dear Steemians, I haven't written for a few days because I was very busy but I haven't forgotten you.

Today I wanted to talk to you about the bad times and the darkness that colours them. About those days when almost everything doesn't work out for us and we wish they would end.

But suddenly and without doing almost anything extraordinary, the sun slowly slips through your window the next day. And there it is, a new day of life and friend if you have life you still have hope.

Months ago everything was going well and suddenly one day a very dear family member suffered a serious fracture, another family member was also fractured and my routine changed.

These were complicated times, where we needed a lot of time and money to recover.

But we were able to see that at the end of so many problems (including dealing with people who took advantage of our situation) we could see that just around the corner, the sun was rising and we could get through these difficult times.

You might say, it's very easy to think that everything will be fine. But it's not just thinking and worrying, you have to take direct care and help the sick and their environment to heal.

Bones take time but they can't heal with a broken soul so I signed up to talk to the local church so that they never miss communion on any weekend. And every Sunday, even if they can't walk, they watch the mass on tv.

The family affection plus the good medicine and the spiritual nourishment managed to get them through.

Today, January 14, both are walking, slowly and at their own pace, but they are moving through life.

And that is because where they came only darkness and problems, his family saw a glimmer of light and wanted to help and be part of this recovery.

It is worth thanking my sister, my mother, my aunt and my uncle who took hours of their time to make this possible and for me who spent entire weekends without leaving until I saw them better.

But this effort is not enough (at least for me) to see both of them better and in peace.

Old age is hard, but it is less complicated if you walk side by side with those who love you.

And don't forget, behind every dark day, week or month there is always another one full of light.

(Pic is mine and was edited with Canva using their sources of pics. )

En los momentos oscuros siempre hay un poco de luz.png

La foto es del catalogo de Canva y la edité usando Canva.


Buenas tardes queridos Steemians, llevo unos días sin escribir porque estuve muy ocupado pero no los he olvidado.

Hoy quería hablarles de los malos momentos y de la oscuridad que los tiñe. De esos días en que casi todo no nos sale bien y deseamos que terminen.

Pero de pronto y sin hacer casi nada extraordinario, el sol de a poco se cuela por tu ventana al día siguiente. Y ahí está, un nuevo día mas de vida y amigo o amiga si tienes vida aún tienes esperanza.

Hace meses todo marchaba bien y de golpe un día un familiar muy querido sufre una fractura grave, otro familiar se fractura también y mi rutina cambió.

Eran momentos complicados, donde necesitamos de mucho tiempo y dinero para que se recuperaran.

Pero supimos ver que al final de tantos problemas (entre ellos lidiar con gente que se aprovechó de nuestra situación) podíamos ver que a la vuelta de la esquina, el sol asomaba y podíamos sobrellevar estos momentos difíciles.

Tu dirás, es muy sencillo pensar en que todo va a ir bien. Pero no es solo pensar y preocuparse, hay que ocuparse directamente y ayudar al enfermo y su entorno a sanar.

Los huesos llevan tiempo pero no pueden sanar con un alma rota asi que me apunté a hablar con la parroquia local para que nunca les falte su comunión ningún fin de semana. Y cada domingo aunque no puedieran caminar vieran la misa por tv.

El cariño familiar mas la buena medicina y el alimento espiritual lograron sacarlos adelante.

Hoy a 14 de enero, ambos caminan, despacio y a su ritmo pero van moviendose por esta vida.

Y eso es porque donde ellos venían solo oscuridad y problemas, su familia vio un resquicio de luz y tuvo ganas de ayudar y de ser parte de esta recuperación.

De mas está agradecer a mi hermana, mi madre, mi tía y mi tío que tomaron horas de su tiempo para que esto sea posible y para mi que pasé fines de semana enteros sin salir hasta no verlos mejor.

Pero este esfuerzo es poco (al menos para mi ) por verlos a ambos mejor y en paz.

La vejez es dura pero es menos complicada si se transita al lado de quienes te aman.

Y no lo olvides, detrás de cada día, semana o mes oscuro siempre viene otro lleno de luz.

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