The Metacrisis

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Let's get real

What are we doing here?

What is Hive? What is Web 3? What is Digital Decentralisation? What are we trying to achieve? What is the purpose?

Here's what I've got:


We are trying to transpose our economics from the analogue world to the digital world and in the process make the rules just, fair and equitable. We need to allow for sovereign ownership of the fruits of individual entrepreneur's labour.

The Hive wants to be a platform for free Human creative labour

It won't include everyone, thankfully. As in, not everyone will want to do their work mediated by the Internet. Hell, I don't even know if I want to much of the time but here we are. I enjoy reading. And it won't just be Hive where this is mediated online. But those it will include need to lead by example. We must never forget that we also need to build things in the real world as equally as we need to build things in the digital world. And vice versa, we need to grow things in the real world as equally as we grow them in the digital. Long-term We need to maintain what little natural ecosystem we have left and start regrowing new wild ecosystem as soon as possible.
In the mid term We need to work the proper trades, the real professions and cease the industries that produce toxic waste and occupational styles that ignore the human body and mind. Waste is an unfortunate contrivance, it is a by-product of human apathy. We need more scientific research. We just need more people researching. Don't worry about it. More resources for technical people to apply the results of existing research to the real world. We need artists and musicians, actors, writers and every kind of communicator and expresser, fringe dweller, unimaginable and they need to be able to express themselves freely and safely. No more rent-seeking behaviour. We need everyone to have a safe home where they can have their babies and keep them safe, grow them in safe material conditions without the threat of geopolitical bullshit, raise their children in the company and protection of happy, friendly, growing parents, without the constant threat of financial annihilation looming. We need to stimulate our minds and our bodies, again. Actually do the dance. The beautiful, real, cosmic dance. We have to give it all we've got on the cosmic utensil, in other words. Many of us are trying to do this already, but we're saddled with historical relics that persist in our thinking habits and inflexible methods of social service delivery. We need to start doing this now while we cultivate timelessness in ourselves, in our culture. Where will we land? Who cares, that's not important. It's the journey we need to focus on. It's each other we need to harmonise with and it's the Whole that we need to oscillate within.
or we gon' die, son

Infrastructure is the fundamental facilities and systems serving a society. It is the platform upon which the Structure can rest — and operate freely, with the lowest amount of friction achievable. What is the Structure? Great question. I don't know, for I — every I — am simply a particular for the the conduction and expression of the Superstructure: The Whole. Everything.

Intelligence Workers,

Too grandiose? Good. Tell me about your solution to the problem of impending social suicide in a comment. I want to read it. Criticise me to the very core of my being. Give it all you've got! I'm a friendly human!

We're living in cultural squalor!

Right at this very moment my Internet connection is dropping out every 30 seconds on average. It's useless. One cannot depend. My Internet connection supplier is a transnational corporate that exists outside the sovereign nation that it serves and has been hacked to pieces in turn through negligence, apathy, psychopathy. I mean what the actual fuck?

Many of our best have been forced into existential and material squalor, used up, burned out, discarded — exactly as you would expect from a socio-economy that rewards self-betrayal — a throw-away society, if you will

Allow me to get a bit more present:

The issue I see with Hive is that proposals made within the governance system come from the supply side of the economic equation only. A proposal has to be written and proposed first by the potential supplier, with the demand side of the equation then voting it into acceptance or not. The trouble is the supplier doesn't really know what the demander wants. It should be the other way around: the demand side of the equation debates & writes proposal ideas collaboratively, upvoting what they agree with and leaving what they don't and then the proposal and each the nature and quality (?) of each proposal in a way that displays the value accruing in time and then it is the production side of the equation that chooses what goes up toward a status of fundability. The producer chooses what they want to start by writing they accept to work on the idea, then the community as a whole releases the funds in turn, at the moment of satisfaction. Accountability systems needs to be added by the proposal-acceptor potentiate. The system would need to work similarly to an assassination market, but with the reward function oriented toward creation instead of destruction.

The digital cannot be prioritised over the analogue, they must be equal at maximum. The emissary is secondary to the master.

If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro' narrow chinks of his cavern
-William and Catherine Blake

Fuck this is rough. Consider it a a pre-alpha zeroth draft. I need to lay down, rest and breathe intentionally. Hug my wife. I am looking through a very grubby window.

If we're gonna do a capitalism, let's capitalise on what we know

Am I crazy? Probably, yes. But maybe we all need to get a little crazy before we can really be born into life as we know it.

See how a frog moves.

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